How I wanted this to end

Errant Belle August 12, 2016 4:56 am

Someone else's comment made me realize how I wished this story had ended...
1st, Yuu gets sick of Chiharu treating him like crap and runs away
2nd, Chiharu chases after Yuu demanding he return
3rd, Chiharu is hit by a bus while trying to drag Yuu back to the cafe
4th, having watched Chiharu get run over by a bus, Yuu has to give a statement to the police
5th, the police officer taking Yuu's statement is ridiculously hot and very gay
6th, the officer and Yuu fall madly in love and have AMAZING sex
7th, the officer treats Yuu like gold and they live happily ever after
8th, occasionally Yuu and his hot cop boyfriend visit Chiharu's grave to thank him for getting hit by a bus, so that they could be together
Now THAT would be a happy ending

    Yecenia August 12, 2016 5:31 am

    Hahaha wow great imagination you have there. But actually not bad at all, I think that would make a better ending!! XD and I think it would make everyone here VERY HAPPY!!

    Luna (previously Anonimo) August 12, 2016 10:56 am
    Hahaha wow great imagination you have there. But actually not bad at all, I think that would make a better ending!! XD and I think it would make everyone here VERY HAPPY!! Yecenia

    Hit by a bus is a common solution to disappear disliked characters in yaoi for some readers. Pretty dramatic! I enjoyed pretty much this story, but it's a interesting plot indeed.

    obake-chan August 13, 2016 12:31 pm

    Omg hahahahahaha
    I like more your version xD !!

    SinA August 14, 2016 12:00 am

    I dropped the story after chapter 3 or 4 ouut of disgust and now I'll just imagine this was actually the case and be happy again :3