Alex talking about wanting kids to his MALE partner is the height of disrespect and also h...

lulu June 26, 2021 3:09 am

Alex talking about wanting kids to his MALE partner is the height of disrespect and also how can you call your partner odd for not wanting to have kids cole can't push kids out his ass

    sunday June 26, 2021 3:11 am

    how is it disrespectful??? he is not asking for cole to give birth but to consider that maybe in the future he would love the idea of kids obv through adopting/surrogacy etc and yes maybe calling your partner odd for not wanting kid is rude but that is a conversation that they need to have

    Sushi June 26, 2021 3:24 am

    ummm its not disrespectful... cole and alex can have a kid through adoption/surrogacy just like the lesbian couple will. Gay couples can raise kids too...

    MACAROONS June 26, 2021 3:27 am
    how is it disrespectful??? he is not asking for cole to give birth but to consider that maybe in the future he would love the idea of kids obv through adopting/surrogacy etc and yes maybe calling your partner o... sunday

    It does. This is one of the reason some gays are scared of. The word disrespectful is not the right term... They actually feel bad that they can't give birth. If their partner wants a child of course this will give them anxiety. Yes, they could surrogate but what if the person who gave birth to the child searches for them like she wants the child back and etc. Adoption could be possible.

    And this topic needs to be totally discuss.

    sukerokus June 26, 2021 3:40 am
    It does. This is one of the reason some gays are scared of. The word disrespectful is not the right term... They actually feel bad that they can't give birth. If their partner wants a child of course this will... MACAROONS


    lulu June 26, 2021 5:01 am
    ummm its not disrespectful... cole and alex can have a kid through adoption/surrogacy just like the lesbian couple will. Gay couples can raise kids too... Sushi

    I should of used insensitive .... as a gay man I know gays can raise kids...I don't think it was appropriate for him to talk about all the kids he wants and not making it clear how he will have kids...he's a previously straight man talking to his gay partner who is insecure and easily misunderstands ..more delicacy should've of been used

    jackjack June 26, 2021 6:04 am
    ummm its not disrespectful... cole and alex can have a kid through adoption/surrogacy just like the lesbian couple will. Gay couples can raise kids too... Sushi

    i don think you understand the situation fully. this isnt about gay couples having kids together. this is about one partner coming to the conclusion of being a doner OUTSIDE of their relationship. they arent raising the kid together.

    Gay, straight, whatever. your partner coming to you suddenly saying they are thinking of being a donor to one of their friend's kids. they are friends, they are going to see the kids, they are going to have a relationship with the kid. its disrespectful to overlook your partner's stance in that when you are in a serious relationship. Being a gay couple makes it even more complex ofc but in principle. fucked.

    i would recommend reading other comments about this, i cant really put it into words well and keep writing paragraphs which i cant simplify.

    MACAROONS June 26, 2021 6:55 am
    I should of used insensitive .... as a gay man I know gays can raise kids...I don't think it was appropriate for him to talk about all the kids he wants and not making it clear how he will have kids...he's a pr... lulu


    Sushi June 26, 2021 3:10 pm
    i don think you understand the situation fully. this isnt about gay couples having kids together. this is about one partner coming to the conclusion of being a doner OUTSIDE of their relationship. they arent ra... jackjack

    Yes, I get that part. Cole has every right to be upset about the whole donor thing. Alex would have a kid with someone else and still be involved in that kid's life without cole. I personally thought that the conversation they had about wanting kids was referring to cole and alex adopting/surrogate and raising a kid together, not alex having a kid with the lesbian couple.