And after that sawamura okumura is the second best... i like how sawamura literally evolve to guide okumura while being the best version of him. Imo miyuki x sawamura battery never stand in the same ladder. It seems like the way miyuki treats sawamura its like how he used to treat tanba. Its hard to explain... like their relationship is basically working type of relationship. If u do good i'll indulge you but if fckd up u get the booted
While both chris and okumura not only respect sawamura as a pitcher but also as a friend. Like how chris is the one pulling sawamura up when he got yios, or when okumura counseling session randomly after him fckd up a game. Both are honest with their feeling but also helping him to grow. Thats why i am really excited for mura2 battery in the future

Yes I completely agree! I feel like Miyuki really only cares or is intrested in pitchers though their skill level but never seems to form a real relationship with them. Its almost like he only materalistic in terms of the relationship. Where Sawamura really wants to form a relationship with Miyuki and respects him, i feel like Miyuki only has eyes for Furuya.

EXACTLY i hate how the author makes him only praise and put an important of miyuki while he got tons of ppl around that actually rooting for him.. i rather him say "oh you didnt think highly of me? Thats ur loss, u will regret it sooner" and walk away. But i also feltgiddy cuz between sawamura and furuya its obvious sawamura is strive to think how to evolve his pitch and thinking as a pitcher. While furuya mind seems to only have 1 line thinking sawamura have few of lines example:
- sawamura trying to learn pitch call and pitch sequence that the catcher asked him. This is his pure thinking after seeing other great pitcher that doesnt dependent on the catcher. He strive to be that. Right now miyuki is still guiding him but he already shows growth when okumura catch for him cuz he is the one that leads the catcher
- he knows his pitching skills still lacks hence he still try countless think and even invent pitches on his own.
Eventhough all of that is because his hunger of recognisition from ppl around him, he still doing it by himself. His mentality is great

Exactly this is what i mean. Its like a one sided relationship that bound to fall.when in one side u love too much and the other just go with the flow. I still dont get why he put so much effort in furuya. Is it because he is introvert that doesnt really has close friend. We can see that furuya cant really socialise with his teammate cuz his oast no matter how great the teammate are unlike sawamura who easily make ppl around him move. Maybe miyuki sees himself in furuya, how they are always alone eventhough they are talented. I remember miyuki past in book 1 ppl always avoided him even when he get to be captain, he and the others fight a bit. So maybe thats why

Yes i agree with all the comment and replies here. Tbh in every matches so far i was hoping to see sawamura okumura battery but of course we wouldn’t see that. I can’t clearly remember but i think miyuki had mentioned that he never could imagined that sawamura could get the ace number until now which i think that means he didn’t even recognize sawamura as a valuable pitcher for the team.
The whole team actually looked up to sawamura including the coach and the catchers chris and okumura appreciated him more than miyuki so i don’t get why he was so hung up with miyuki like on the last chapter. He was sad because miyuki didn’t open up to him instead? Idk what the author wanted to show here

The whole team and coach? Are you sure? The fact that sawamura literally had a flash back the moment he get called out by coach in ichidai last inning match or he keep questioning about if he will get replace, will furuya will get subbed out if he fckd up like him, he keep questioning it over and over again about how different the treatment are towards ace and relief pitcher. After that the whole team? The only person that really care and rooted for him in seidou is chris, okumura, kanemaru, the first year squad that keep watching sawamura, Takatsu (the second year that get a chance of being a first string and got beef with kanemaru)
Toujou and haruichi is in neutral side. I dont remember any moment both showed an actual care as a friend when sawamura hits rock bottom or when he need support to lvl up
Other than the one i listed nobody in seidou really appreciated sawamura. The moment sawamura got yips, all seidou ready to booted him out BUT the moment furuya fckd up and regressed nobody bat an eye and not only that all of them keep trying to cheer him up every single chance they get. At first i thought kataoka rooted for eijun but he lowkey only want sawamura as furuya stepping stone. If sawamura lvl up, furuya will lvl up

I agree with you but i think the "he didn't recognize sawamura as a valuable pitcher for the team" is too much maybe just "he didn't recognize sawamura as a valuable pitcher for him" would fit well. I remember miyuki himself said when azuma senpai visit that sawamura is now a valuable pitcher for the team.

Couldve fooled me tbh..beside like i said before miyuki tend to put ppl on arms length. If the people useful he will buttered up their ego if they are useless he just wont bothered. Not only ghat so far miyuki is a fickle character with his "praised" but then again he use his praise as a bullet to improve his relationship with each member of seidou, i think thats why bunchnof seidou member always got surprised or disbelieved whenever miyuki praised them cuz they dont kmow if that was honest or just sarcastic
sawamura and chris the superior battery wbk