Im only here cuz I saw the clearly pedophilic cover

Phil Deez June 25, 2021 6:43 pm

If yall actually read this, and especially if you ENJOYED reading it. Go to therapy or turn yourself into prison you fucking freak. They are 10 YEARS OLD and 17 YEARS OLD. BOTH MINORS, ONE A LITERAL CHILD BY ALL DEFINITIONS. Get some fucking help or lock yourself up, you are a danger to society you fucking pedophile. Also I hope the author of this manga drops dead

    Phil Deez June 25, 2021 6:45 pm

    Also this dumb motherfucker in the comment talking about “nothing portrayed romantically” when its literally a shounen ai. What are reading comprehension skills???

    Bahu19 June 25, 2021 7:55 pm

    Calm your tits bambi.Its pretty clear that the kid is the only one having a "crush" Here.It's nothing sexual or creepy.Pls go back to Twitter with your opinion.

    Historia Zen June 25, 2021 8:16 pm

    maybe you're the one who needs therapy lmao. It's a kid having his first crush and a 17 year old guy being a brother figure and doesn't even take the child's word seriously. Get a fucking glasses if you think older guy is having romantic feelings towards the kid. Plus, there's only 7 years gap, don't read if u can't handle it.

    Eve June 25, 2021 8:16 pm

    R u ok? Nothing romantic is going on here it's just cute and funny, the 17 yr clearly doesn't have any romantic feelings for the 10 yr, and the one who putted it in the shounen ai tag is not the author but the translator (uploader) I mean so far it's just funny, cute wholesome, nothing to be concerned

    Historia Zen June 25, 2021 8:20 pm
    R u ok? Nothing romantic is going on here it's just cute and funny, the 17 yr clearly doesn't have any romantic feelings for the 10 yr, and the one who putted it in the shounen ai tag is not the author but the ... Eve

    But like, they're still the end game according to thew author's twitter, which i think isn't bad since the romance will prolly start once they're fully grown- Nothing wrong with 7 years of age gap

    Eve June 25, 2021 8:25 pm
    But like, they're still the end game according to thew author's twitter, which i think isn't bad since the romance will prolly start once they're fully grown- Nothing wrong with 7 years of age gap Historia Zen

    I mean yeah maybe, but I just hope the 17 yr doesn't have feelings for 10 yr RIGHT NOW because that one is concerning. If they're both old enough to decide for themselves hmm that's fine for me

    Phil Deez June 25, 2021 10:07 pm
    maybe you're the one who needs therapy lmao. It's a kid having his first crush and a 17 year old guy being a brother figure and doesn't even take the child's word seriously. Get a fucking glasses if you think o... Historia Zen

    “Theres only 7 yrs age gap” Hes 10... Youre psychotic

    Phil Deez June 25, 2021 10:07 pm
    But like, they're still the end game according to thew author's twitter, which i think isn't bad since the romance will prolly start once they're fully grown- Nothing wrong with 7 years of age gap Historia Zen

    Do you know what grooming is?

    Phil Deez June 25, 2021 10:08 pm

    Im not replying to any more of yall freaks you arent worth the effort get the fuck out of my notifications

    Gragill June 25, 2021 10:57 pm
    Do you know what grooming is? Phil Deez

    Bitch you know grooming needs a perpetrator to even work right? The high-schooler is literally being a kind older brother and the little boy likes him for that. You're fucked in the head for seeing these with sexual eyes AFTER reading the chapters available, as if any 10yo having an older crush, who doesn't even give them a thought, means there's pedophilia involved. You seeing witches were fortunately there aren't.

    Fromis9 June 26, 2021 12:20 am
    Also this dumb motherfucker in the comment talking about “nothing portrayed romantically” when its literally a shounen ai. What are reading comprehension skills??? Phil Deez

    This isn't even the official site of manga, you dumb idiot. The uploader is the one who decides what tag it should have. You're literally wrong in your argument. Please, go out and have some breath of fresh air. Your anger is misguided and hilarious.

    Fromis9 June 26, 2021 12:29 am
    Do you know what grooming is? Phil Deez

    How is he grooming him when he doesn't even see him as a potential partner? You have some screw loose in the head. We are not going to argue with an idiot who spews bullshit and doesn't know terms.

    Fromis9 June 26, 2021 12:40 am

    Phil, you need to go back to school or talk to someone. Clear your mind and be happy for once, touch some grass or something smell the air, perhaps idk. Because you're out here fighting in the wrong side of the battle where none of us cares because what you're saying is so wrong in every level.

    Historia Zen June 26, 2021 3:38 am
    “Theres only 7 yrs age gap” Hes 10... Youre psychotic Phil Deez

    Wow, i never said it's okay to start the relationship they're obviously underage, Presumably it'll happen when they're both grown up. Dumb asf

    Historia Zen June 26, 2021 3:40 am
    I mean yeah maybe, but I just hope the 17 yr doesn't have feelings for 10 yr RIGHT NOW because that one is concerning. If they're both old enough to decide for themselves hmm that's fine for me Eve

    and obviously he doesn't have any feelings for the child. It's pretty obvious how to know if a manga character is catching a feeling, lmao. He doesn't even take him seriously

    Historia Zen June 26, 2021 3:44 am
    Do you know what grooming is? Phil Deez

    Bitch please, At least know the term properly before throwing it around. Yuu doesn't even see him as potential lover. If you think being a kind brother is grooming then you're the one who's wrong jn the head. His kindness towards the kid wasn't meant for manipulation nor intended for sexual motives, how is that grooming