Fake ass bitches

Stella June 25, 2021 6:36 pm

Fake ass bitches

    XxXxX June 25, 2021 7:44 pm

    Ikr?! It really blows my mind because they’re siblings. You’d think they would feel some sort of love for their siblings but it doesn’t seem like they do. I know it happens in RL too but every time I come across situations where siblings truly hate each other and wish the worst on the other, I just think it’s too bad to be true.

    Trash Lord June 25, 2021 9:10 pm
    Ikr?! It really blows my mind because they’re siblings. You’d think they would feel some sort of love for their siblings but it doesn’t seem like they do. I know it happens in RL too but every time I come... XxXxX

    Lol, I wish my middle brother the worst, would be happy if he fell off a cliff... It would better the world