right I agreeee, the pacing is so nice and it fits in the right places. like I don't think it goes too fast or slow either and I think the authors and artists did a really good job doing this. I also love the character grouping, like jiwoo's little friend group is the purest wholesome shi ive ever seen.
Yess it's not slow and it's not fast too it's literally a perfect pacing and yea I love the authors style it's unique and her story too I love how she just have a lot in mind like we just finished a whole ass thing and now we're in here in the academy again and yea I love the groups too I hope nothing bad will happen to them they're such precious baby especially the cats
Ok the story is great like 101% but can we let our babies rest in a vacation like in the beach being happy like the usual now they all fighting which is really great btw but I miss them spending time together like AS IN And also the girl who can control animal also hang outs with them (kinda) can also join
Also I love the pacing I can't believe every chapter has a lot of pages like dude I thought im in chap 200+ but I'm not I love the story the characters unique style and overall how great they are