They’ll ignore the report because this is literally an illegal site. The whole point of the site is this, though they will upload quite a bit and then just not let people upload anymore. Kind of like to give a promotion to the actual author. They’ve done that quite a bit or even take already completed stories on here and just erase a couple chapters to get people more interested in them that is something that I’ve But otherwise they do not care

Wow this is topic is really old, I actually forgot about this. The reason I was so desperate to remove this before was because the author announced discontinuation after they discovered their works got posted up here. And they were just starting this story. Canvas artists don't get paid a single penny. Still, looking back- this is indeed an illegal site and people wouldn't really care. So now we end up with a discontinued work and the original Webtoon was already deleted
Pls click the report button on the left side of your screen, its that small flag on the upper left side of your screen.
If you can't see it, scroll to the very top then look for a small black box with a flag icon on the top of the title (Above the letter O)