shit as usual

kiss my ass (kiki) June 25, 2021 10:46 am

TRIGGER WARNING! dont read if youre sensitive :').
1. the black haired dude is TRUAMATIZED.
the reason he didnt fuck with the blonde guy is because of (potential) ptsd??? the people in the comments are acting like he shouldve just brushed off being groomed, molested, and raped by his bastard of a teacher just so they could get together.

2. chapter 3, "im not gay." oh, blonde guy... YOU LITERALLY LIKE A GUY AND IS GOING OUT WITH HIM??? this heteronormative shit is literally gonna be the bane of my existence because surprise! you can be bi/pan/omni/demi/etc. also dont come at me with that 'but japanese people dont know what lgbtqai+ is!' crap.

also im writing this at 5:46 am so if this is incomprehensible then it just is.

    I'm dying, help me June 25, 2021 1:51 pm

    Yes, but saku could have just explained to him politely (he could have left out the traumatic parts) , instead of ghosting him like that. Just because someone had a traumatic past, doesnt mean they can treat people like that. Especially someone who hes so close to.

    akirl June 25, 2021 3:18 pm
    Yes, but saku could have just explained to him politely (he could have left out the traumatic parts) , instead of ghosting him like that. Just because someone had a traumatic past, doesnt mean they can treat pe... I'm dying, help me

    it's not easy to just "explain" things bc 1) it takes courage to open up ur trauma to other people esp if to a loved one or someone u care about 2) saying it means ur brain will be forced to relive it again and the amount of progress u had done to heal could be brought back to square one

    ghosting could be a defense mechanism to a traumatized person. and i get the part ur saying "just bc someone had a traumatic past doesnt mean they can treat people like that". the thing is, some traumatized people are not aware at first that theyre hurting people. our brain is very fascinating and is our very first line of defense. some of our unconscious actions (i.e defense mechanism; ghosting) are done by our brains once our fight or flight response is triggered. our brains just basically want us to survive and are acting out for our survival

    story-wise lets just commend seme for doing what he did. he couldve moved on but didnt, and him waiting is not uke's fault. still, what uke did was not okay. but we gotta be a little understanding sometimes especially when he had a rough life since childhood. im happy for them :-) fuck that teacher tho :-) fuck him to hell and back