Taewhan go to therapy and leave Yeonwu alone

BussyBaeBop June 25, 2021 6:42 am

Like it’s giving me the first half or so of BJ Alex, and a lot of these

Remember y’all, this is textbook abusive pathology, do not think like this and if someone exhibits this type of behavior leave if you can and reach out for help if not. Also, this is not proper BDSM, that requires explicit trust and informed consent and this is coercion; the health of the “sub” is vital and usually they are the ones actually in control, they have the right to quit at anytime and the “dom” has to respect that and be prepared to stop no questions asked. That’s also why post-play aftercare is important, otherwise the intense experience can become traumatic or disassociation can occur. I may be relying on outdated info/terms, but if you’re going to do this stuff please research and don’t just rely on online strangers like me or media like this where I know Taehwan doesn’t give af about Yeonwoo’s health after all this and being that negligent in real life can be dangerous, but you shouldn’t even engage in kink play with someone that sexually self-centered in the first place.

Sorry for the long essay, I just don’t want anyone to misconstrue kink/BDSM or end up in traumatic sex experiences or traumatizing others by replicating this behavior. If you’re curious have you and your partner research together, consult sex experts, and if you’re single and want to engage in this there are professional sex workers who know their shit and that’s better than a rando asshole who may have misconceptions or is just looking out for their own orgasm. Have safe, smart, fully informed, and consensual sex if you want to be sexually actively y’all

    Onyx June 25, 2021 6:55 am

    Taehwan has gotten overboard now.. In the couple of previous chapters it was like yeah the seme is lil jealous and naybe he'll come around and at least try to see yeonwo as a person/human being and not a toy.
    But with this chapter we can see that he has no intention to form any humane bond with our boi Yeonwo... And that hurts to see... Though yeonwo is getting the idea that this is a toxic relationship but yet they both are troubled beings and are just going with the flow and whatever they want to do.
    Taehwan sees yeonwo as a sex toy and yeonwo is waiting for a change at the cost of self sacrifice (he enjoys the sex but he doesn't want just the sex and it is evident from all his thoughts.. Those black clouds)... Alas! These are our mc 2 so we will have to stick around and see some dramatic change in their storyline.
    And do agree with the caption in the start of this chapter that indeed SEASON 1 > SEASON 2

    BussyBaeBop June 25, 2021 7:11 am
    Taehwan has gotten overboard now.. In the couple of previous chapters it was like yeah the seme is lil jealous and naybe he'll come around and at least try to see yeonwo as a person/human being and not a toy.Bu... Onyx

    Like the first season was just so fucking wholesome the whole way through, like Taehee practically worships Dojin and seeing Dojin eventually returning his feelings made me believe in love. This season, while not badly written, is par for the course in yaoi/BL: jerk seme with traumatic backstory that projects his hurt and trauma on others, and particularly uses the uke as his personal punching bag/sex doll and the uke is a pushover with low self-esteem who sacrifices their self respect and health for the seme whose sole appeals are they’re hot and lay good pipe and they should be grateful such an Adonis would even give them the time of day. Taehee come getcho’ trifling ass bro and show him how real men treat their partners!

    Onyx June 25, 2021 7:49 am
    Like the first season was just so fucking wholesome the whole way through, like Taehee practically worships Dojin and seeing Dojin eventually returning his feelings made me believe in love. This season, while n... BussyBaeBop

    Absolutely!!! Taehee is G..O.A.T.. The real OG... And Taehwan is just... I can't even. I mean he is so beautiful but he's sort of narcissist here.
    But we know things gonna go better in our fiction. I mean when I first started reading BJ Alex I really wanted to punch Alex... But later he gave a 180 degree change in his character. Haah! What can we say... That's how it is... So let's sit tight and stay tuned for the next update