You're not making any sense, you were bitching about people saying to read it on webtoon instead, without even knowing what webtoon was earlier and now your spewing "speaking on behalf of other people", speaking on what? your words don't line up with each other. Also don't use the r slur on other people, the world has enough ignorance.

First of all, no one was yelling at anybody, second, I never said you needed the link, I said there isn't a link because it's a goddamn app and even if they chose to use the site, it would've been so easy to just look it up, and maybe instead of telling people to "give the link",, you could've done it yourself?? Third, you should care because it makes you look more of an stupid asshole.
y’all keep talking about reading it on webtoon ,, why don’t y’all give the link instead of yelling at people ? you’re just causing more problems