Yeah, I think you're ace. I'm also ace. I was also confused. I have dated people before but I never felt any sexual attraction towards them, I wanted to be normal you know that "phase" when everyone around you is always horny about this and that but I never felt that way. I watched all kinds of porn to figure things out, even tried to masturbate(lmao tf I'm saying on this site). But the result was the same.
I dunno it makes sense or not
I don't think your mind gonna change.
you can always try out a label with close friends or just with yourself! if you don't like it, theres no shame in going back. From what you said, it sounds like you are asexual, but only you can decide whether or not that sounds right for you. id recommend maybe joining an ace discord/facebook group so you can have an environment where people will be understanding and will answer any questions you might have. best of luck on your journey!.
Hi!! I'm 23 years old female. I dont know how to say this because I'm not sure.. What I'm saying is that I believe I'm asexual? I never felt sexual attraction towards men nor women. I never imagined myself with someone having sex.. I had flirts here and there but nothing serious because I cant even stand the idea holding hands.. I told myself that's because I dont really like that person that's why.. But now I'm an adult still feeling this way. Does that make me asexual? What if I change my mind in the future.. Bro I'm confused so baad