
Happy birthday Neko-sama! There will always be complainers and people who focus on the negative, but tons of us, if not the majority, really appreciate the time you both take to bring this story to us. We are really grateful i promise <3 again, thanks for everything and happy happy birthday! (=・ω・=)
Hello, this is Neko-Sama from Nekuma. We thank you for all your support and cheering us along the way of completing this manwah. Having said that, I’d like to take this opportunity to clarify a couple of things.
As you know, websites like this do not hold original translations 100% of the time. Ryu and I are translating the chapters. My chapters are difficult to clean and my translation may me erroneous due to failing to see the correct symbol. Cleaning, cropping, etc is done by a couple of beginners. We’re not experts. So our quality will NEVER be great as that to the original work.
We received a message from a Takanorin asking the following, “There’s already ch 43??? Why another upload?” If the uploading everyday bothers you, my recommendation is to delete this manwah from your timeline to avoid notifications of it. Stop reading it.
Then I read comments about misspellings, wrong names, etc. It’s hell working with an old computer and with the program that both Ryu and I use to clean this stuff. Words get stuck, computer freezes etc. You don’t like it? Drop this this!
If you’re that unhappy reading a story in an illegal site, walk yourself out of here and buy the chapters. A happy customer must go to find the quality he seeks.
However, if you’d guys like, we can drop it and have someone else continue this. We still love you and appreciate all your positive and productive thoughts !