Except that he's not a friend? And the seme literally doesn't like them too close? Look am not saying there's something wrong with comforting anyone but ppl don't always take kindess as it is i mean if u put urself in his position I'm not sure I'd just understand if u saw ur bf hugging a girl and saying he was just comforting her i just hope they talk and the guy doesn't fell for him

I understand what ur saying yea but I feel like the main character and the other dude are gonna end up being good friends tbh and the only reason why his boyfriend would get mad is because he’s jealous really cause other than that I don’t see the other two getting tougher really/ in that type of way
Wtf dude u don't just hug another dude if u have a boyfriend and damn I'm glad he didn't see that ur not even communicating properly i really think they should talk and the uke sould keep a distance from the other guy cus it's pretty easy to misunderstand someone's kindess