Lmao wtf yall on about pedophilia

Fawn June 24, 2021 8:05 am

Yall chill there ain't pedophilia in this. In case you haven't noticed this is a lighthearted bl, it can hardly be considered a bl actually it's more like a gag manga so there's no place for that kinda shit this ain't that kinda manga. Yall read too much teacherxstudent shoujos/yaoi it taints your mind lol.
The teacher obviously only regards Hirose like a little brother to him tho Hirose seems to have a lil crush on him. He may give special attention to him more than his other students but again it's clearly because he sees him like a lil bro. Its Hirose who has a crush on him not the other way around and he hasn't tried anything so calm tf down jeez. Yes It may be unusual anywhere else for teachers to show that much care for their students and cross professional boundary by doing that, but it's pretty normal in asian countries where teachers are regarded highly and students may interact more intimately with them within or beyond the school grounds and there's nothing more to it but good amicable student-teacher relationship

    Give me a harem June 24, 2021 11:34 am

    Its a relief if the teacher doesnt inetnd on doing anything but if hirose has a lil crush on the techer then i feel sorry for nakamura kun