Y'all i was thinking

Holachica June 24, 2021 1:27 am

The ending felt like a Deus Ex Machina.

It's like the author built up all the tension, and suspense, and horror while leading us to expect something big or a plot twist or even just a revelation... then just went "oh yeah, those hands were real! people were killed! the end~".

Nothing ended up being explained, not so much as even a hint. An open-ended ending could be what she was going for, like "I wonder what is in their future?" but instead it's just straight up confusing.

I assume the author probably didn't even have an explanation, so she just pulled out a "and everyone was murdered!" and called it a day. It's like when authors say "and it was all a dream!" after writing an epic adventure or something. It takes all my emotional investment and steps on it because it's telling me that my investment had been pointless.

Sadge. I really had expected something mind-twisting the way things were going, hoping for something unexpected, but my expectations were dashed with the typical.

    kitty June 24, 2021 1:49 am

    yaoi with innovative storytelling? you're asking for too much lol

    BigSis June 24, 2021 2:40 am

    Wow this was exactly what I was thinking but you explained it so well. I was so disappointed at the ending too. Well in general I don't find many stories with a really satisfying ending. But one of my favorite endings belongs to Moritat. It just blew my mind. If you haven't read it I highly recommend

    xxkurokoxx June 24, 2021 2:51 am

    Yea this perfectly explains my feelings. It’s like there was all this build up to some twisted ending, but nothing really got resolved, they faced no consequences, there was no real inkling to like anything here. Feels very much like ‘it was all a dream!’

    Takoyaki June 24, 2021 3:47 am

    Bruh this and hotel phyrne got me both disappointed by the ending. I was more invested with the latter, like the story was great for a yaoi but then at the end author pulled a “hey it was all a dream” on us lol

    Holachica June 26, 2021 3:08 am
    yaoi with innovative storytelling? you're asking for too much lol kitty

    it was innovative till the last few chapters (/TДT)/

    Holachica June 26, 2021 3:09 am
    Yea this perfectly explains my feelings. It’s like there was all this build up to some twisted ending, but nothing really got resolved, they faced no consequences, there was no real inkling to like anything h... xxkurokoxx

    +1 ;- ;

    Holachica June 26, 2021 3:09 am
    Bruh this and hotel phyrne got me both disappointed by the ending. I was more invested with the latter, like the story was great for a yaoi but then at the end author pulled a “hey it was all a dream” on us... Takoyaki

    oooo is that the manhwa with the rose heads and the multiple copies of the uke? I rmmbr that one being very mind-twisty. I never followed up on it though, what was the ending?