You’re gonna watch him grow a pair soon as well so it’s not wrong in anyway that I say he will, that’s his character development over coming is trauma and growing a pair to care for his daughter again, tell me I’m wrong but that’s exactly how the story is progressing he’s slowly over coming it and growing his pair.

you’re all tripping is the story not showing him overcoming his trauma, he’s growing a pair and that’s how the story is progressing it’s not an insult or anything it’s a fact that he’s opening up to women again, y’all just watch him start mending his trauma and see him start to love again how am I disgusting or being a terrible person, when have I said this to the fictional mans face, “Hey bruh your story is going this way.” I don’t think it was possible for me to say such a thing with disregard for his feelings. My joke that deflected off your dense brain cells was in the thought of the daughter not knowing but wanting to protect her mother while insulting her father, she knows no better it was funny thinking she’d say that without the knowledge of his trauma, she loves her mother and is afraid of her father and his disregard for her so it was really just me being hysterically insulting in the shoes of the daughter who is trauma induced by her father not feeling good enough for I could have just typed “Don’t hurt mommy.” But there’s not enough humour in that. Stop shoving your bs down my throat and shove it back up your offended asshole. Cancel me, I haven’t directly attacked a single living being. I was retorting by typing this and defending myself, you attacked first, I deserve an apology for damaging my iq cause I had to drop it down to understand how you got snowballs got offended, cry as much as you want y’all just took what you wanted out of context to indirectly hurt your tiny incel egos.

lol I was so damaged that I couldn’t properly grammatically get my point across, I haven’t seen such bs in a while, but I can understand that why I needed to break it up into basic words in order for your feeble brains to process a joke, imagine taking a joke as an insult as if sarcastic humour doesn’t exist, I apologize I didn’t respond sooner I graduated high school yesterday with honours, y’all mad cause you didn’t? my grades shine brighter than your futures lol, get educated so that no one has to explain anything in further detail for you in the future, cause you couldn’t even try to put in the work for the gears in your brain to function just so that you could misunderstand a sarcastic joke and think I was actually serious, “Grow a pair, duhh.” What an insult!

You know your first comment could be taken as a joke but the second is just cruel. Also I didn't know to grow a pair was not used as a derogatory way of saying someone was too much of a coward to move on. Also you totally sound like a racist person who says they were just joking after offending poc. Anyway as you said you're still a teenager so you have all your life to learn and be a better person

Your comment is so idiotic and ironic, “You are a very disgusting person saying that to a rape victim.” Then proceeds to say, “I hope you never say shit like this to actual rape victims.” I’m sorry so did I or did I not say what I said towards an actual rape victim? I hope you can see what I am reading with the last few braincells you have, if not, I hope they can grow back soon.

No, I was imagining blanche say this and it was pretty humorous to be honest without her knowing his trauma just hating her dad for hurting the mommy who loves her now, maybe a child friendly SFW joke for snowballs will get you smiling, “Bad daddy! You don’t hit mommy! You big meany, men don’t treat kind women like that!” I hope you don’t also accuse the grape you choke on for physically assaulting you. Good luck living publicly in society when they ridicule you like lambs to a slaughter you’ll cave in and understand what you tried to put me through by being ignoramus. (You’re not either one btw you’re both.)
Repeat after me, “Father you’re a stupid bitch. Grow a pair, apologize and learn to go fuck yourself before ever touching mommy again.”