I agree. The situation in this story is much closer to reality except for monsters and other stuff. Imagine living in 1500 or 1600’s, she really can’t do anything about it this time, and women during these era were submissive to men. If not, they’ll end up somewhere and just wait for their death if they’re so unlucky. Married women cannot go back to their family once they wed. Even the first husband died, the cycle will just repeat.
Don’t get me wrong. I love both isekai and historical stories hehe. But I like it when they portray historical situations closer to reality without putting so much fantasy. :)

Yup, I totally agree with you.
I usually don't even bother commenting about or too people like them cause I know they are probably like what 14, 15? So they haven't yet to develop any real critical thinking about situations (among other things) like this and all they know is their frontier justice bullshit and their supposedly "strong" female characters from other isekai, like you said (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
"the fl is so annoying" then drop it and shut the fuck up lol she's a victim of abuse and have been oppressed by men around her what do you expect she'll do? are y'all seriously comparing her to those leads from other cliché isekai manga????