Actually, that reaction maybe because of his first wife. Earlier, didn't he have a sort of nightmare/hallucination where his first wife was curled around him and whispering in his ear? Whatever happened between them may have traumatized him to the point where he can't stand touching women. (He stopped dancing when his first wife passed away, so maybe it's women in general that he can't bear to touch.)

wait wait wait, we can't really blame the fl for not understanding him. just cause u know ptsd doesn't mean u can easily recognized who have this disorder. also she doesn't know that the king have bad experiences with women. she would have understand if the king treat only her badly but the king is also neglecting blanche which is probably cause she reminds him of his abuser but the fl doesn't know that, which made her think that the king is just a jerk to everyone. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

The original Abagail was put in a bad situation too. Some of it has been touched on but the original did not know she was going to be entering a touchless marriage. So she figured that maybe she could change his mind about that. It was wrong of him to not tell her that info until after the marriage.
She has her own expectations to live up to, as we see in recent chapters. New Abby is trying to avoid pressure from OG Abby's fam by dancing with the King so that she doesn't get gossiped about again. Also Abby's fam expects her to have a child.
Spoilers. But the reason why OG Abby got so crazy is because her upbringing was super mysogonistic. It wasn't just vanity, she was taught that she was worthless otherwise. So she went to extremes to make sure that she was the most beautiful woman around her new husband in hopes that he'd look her way. She was never given an explanation as to why he didn't want to touch her, so she toggled between blaming herself or blaming other women. I don't even think she loved the King. She just didn't have the framework to justify her existence without fulfilling her role as a proper wife and lady. Her family doesn't care about her husband's circumstances. She just kept getting told that she was be the problem by her family. I think its safe to say she was driven crazy by it.
The gaps in New Abby's memory of OG Abby's life get filled in and we will find out that OG Abby's death was an accident. She died after tying her corset too tight. Like that's how hard this already beautiful woman tried to beautify herself. She died for no reason. If she had a sense of self outside of what she looked like maybe she could have made peace with her "abnormal" marriage situation.

I’m not blaming haha I was just saying she could try to think a little more yk but not everyone thinks like that just saying if I were her I would think it’s weird the way he’s acting and would wonder y instead of thinking he’s just a jerk and that he hates me if I were blaming I would’ve said the fl needs to do better but I picked apart y both of them need personal growth and y some of the other ppl just bashing don’t seem to realize the big situation rather than he’s a jerk or she’s a jerk
This is all from his trauma and yes the fl is not the original but how is he supposed to know how is he supposed to trust someone who has constantly done bad things then suddenly changed it’s suspicious let’s be realistic about this situation if I was him and went through what he has I wouldn’t trust her either and as for the child she’s so sweet he shouldn’t be neglectful of her but imagine seeing the person who is an exact look alike of the person who cause you a lifetimes worth of trauma and all the memories flood back every time it’s not just them he can’t be around it’s all women cause of the trauma and instead of ppl trying to understand they call him cold and whisper also the fl comes from another world which knows of ptsd and she didn’t think for a fact that he may be experiencing it and just gets mad with his treatment she needs to understand things take time and since she is in a persons body who has done terrible things people won’t accept her as easily . The point I’m trying to make is they all have feelings they just need space and things shouldn’t be rushed cause it could cause more harm pulse the ml is trying