hmmm....I agree with it being realistic. But I don't think Gen sister is taking advantage of a kid. She did try and be the adult and keep away. If anything, I think Wao is taking advantage of her being vulnerable. Actually, this same scenario happened to someone I knew. He had just gone through a divorce and was feeling pretty down about himself. Then this 16 year old girl we worked with started going after him, rather aggressively. Unlike Gen sister, I don't think it ever crossed his mind to try and keep away (he swore that he never touched her until she was legal age...but no one believes that ha ha). It was rather creepy (10 year age difference and his 16 year old nephew had a major crush on the girl, which my friend even knew about), but everyone knew that he didn't instigate it. He was someone, like Yumi, that was a bit of a pushover and perhaps needed that kind of attention at that point in his life. But I guess it all worked out. They did get married when she was 18 and had a brood of kids, and I hear are still together.

He is not mistaking his feelings. Consistently, from childhood, he has loved her and as he grew up he continued to love her. IF it was just misplaced affection, he would have outgrown it with his hormones. But he still wants HER. And she tried to run away from it, but she loves him. If this had been one of those teaches out to screw students (ie, lust going berserk) or an obsessed teacher after an innocent kid, I'd be angry. But Wao is pretty mature emotionally (if sickly physically) and he's been absolutely unwavering on how this is the woman for him. And she's tried to resist, for years, and now she probaby figured, ah, fuck it, we're fated.
It's funny how in modern society we forget that people used to get married in their teens--routinely. Women often married at 16. Boys went off to war in their teens. People had kids in their teens and knew how to take care of kids, farm, repair cars, etc.
Modern industrialized nations prolong adolescence and keep us as children longer than necessary at the same time bodies mature EARLIER (menses comes earlier now than in centuries past). So the body might be sexually ready to reporduce by age 12 or 13, but these same teens don't know how to cook, clean, change diapers, repair home appliances, change the oil in cars, work. It's a disconnect between biology and mentality.
I'd be in favor of streamlining and making education more effective, and having people ready to enter society as working adults by the time they are legally adults: 18. If that's the age of adulthood, then by then, people should be totally responsible and, if they wish, marry and build families.
But I see twentys-somethings who might as well be 15 for all their interest is in partying and staying immature.
Here, Wao is acting like a man who has committed himself to one woman--only one. He is obligated to go to school, and leearn, still, but at his age, with parental permission, he could marry. And his body is mature enough to be a father. She's well above the 16 y/old marrying age. The obstacle is the teacher thing: that she could solve by quitting and finding another income option.
This is not abuse of a student. This is actually an organically evolving obstacled love. She really should have said: I'll marry you when you're twenty, but I'm moving out of town until then and stuck by that. No stigma then. :D

Both of your opinions are so interesting , you guys made me see things under different lights .I guess I just couldn't accept that people like Wao existed (even in fiction) , but what do I know you can never fully understand the feelings two people have for each other they could be very much in love with each other despite me not being able to tell.
Guess I was wrong , thanks guys for you answers (=・ω・=)
I reaally like the story so far ! I feel like it's pretty realistic since relationships in general are not all about that fluffiness and lovey-dovey-ness , it's pretty relatable . But still I can't agree with the wao-big-sis-couple cuz I feel like as an adult she is kind of taking advantage of wao I mean he's young and he's probably just mistaking his feelings for love . That relashionship is not sane I feel like as an adult yuri-chan should've dealt with his feelings responsibly . I mean hey he likes from when he was a child It's more like motherly -big-sister love he has for her or something along the line. Anyway they just don't match at All!! Idk just how I feel about .em