how do yall call minhyuk daddy? He is rapist ๐Ÿ’€ like come on...

Griffithcumcleaner June 23, 2021 3:52 pm

how do yall call minhyuk daddy? He is rapist like come on...

    Yoyo June 23, 2021 3:54 pm

    I get your point but let's be real, most of us will chose minhyuk over the asshole mr. Park

    cobrakai1972 June 23, 2021 4:00 pm

    I mean its just fiction. cmon one of the most popular semes of all time is Seungho from POTN. and minhyuk is hot lol, so is taesung who is also a r@pist lol

    Alex June 23, 2021 4:02 pm
    I mean its just fiction. cmon one of the most popular semes of all time is Seungho from POTN. and minhyuk is hot lol, so is taesung who is also a r@pist lol cobrakai1972

    When did Taesung rape soo-young???

    Yoyo June 23, 2021 4:03 pm

    At this point all we could do is pray for the uke because ridiculing any of them is a moot point. Soohyoung is just plain unlucky when it comes to lovers.

    Griffithcumcleaner June 23, 2021 4:04 pm
    I get your point but let's be real, most of us will chose minhyuk over the asshole mr. Park Yoyo

    nah I will choose that pretty woman over those assholes

    Yoyo June 23, 2021 4:09 pm
    nah I will choose that pretty woman over those assholes Griffithcumcleaner

    Well it could either take a turn for the best or the mc may find himself with yet another bitch of satan so god bless

    cobrakai1972 June 23, 2021 4:12 pm
    When did Taesung rape soo-young??? Alex

    that one time when soohyoung got abused by his ex lover and ran out and taesung caught him and soohyoung offered to sleep with him but when they got to doing it soohyoung said no a few times and tried to get away so I guess not exactly r@pe but borderline, maybe like dubious content. there has also been a few times during other sex scene that soohyoung said no or seemed unsure but ig that could be the way the author depicts their sex scenes who knows. but there is definitely an unhealthy power difference, manipulation, dubious content and they started out with blackmail since soohyoung "owed" him money and taesung forced him to work for him.

    Smirk June 23, 2021 4:19 pm
    When did Taesung rape soo-young??? Alex

    Ch 48 sy is lying unconscious and ts sticks his finger in his ass to push his own cum inside. That's technically rape because sy was unconscious.

    Alex June 23, 2021 5:08 pm
    Ch 48 sy is lying unconscious and ts sticks his finger in his ass to push his own cum inside. That's technically rape because sy was unconscious. Smirk

    The cum is already inside him, he push it so that it will stay there meaning Taesung is possessive... Like you said Soo-young offered his body to Teaseung so that he can pay his debt so think of it as a prostitute, he is willing to sell his body. Teasung is just rough in bed so Soo-young keep saying no but there was a time when Teasung did stop When Soo-young said no because he was worried he will pass out again.

    I believed Teasung never raped him but he is rough in bed and very possessive.

    Alex June 23, 2021 5:09 pm
    The cum is already inside him, he push it so that it will stay there meaning Taesung is possessive... Like you said Soo-young offered his body to Teaseung so that he can pay his debt so think of it as a prostit... Alex

    I mean, what do you expect from a gangster?

    cobrakai1972 June 23, 2021 5:22 pm
    The cum is already inside him, he push it so that it will stay there meaning Taesung is possessive... Like you said Soo-young offered his body to Teaseung so that he can pay his debt so think of it as a prostit... Alex

    thats literally dubious consent then, if he feels that there is no other option but to offer his body bc of his position then no way is that actual consent. dubious consent right there, and tbh dubious consent is basically borderline r@pe. also he passed out literally in the recent chapters bc of how rough taesung is. taesung tries many of his kinks out without asking sooyoung's consent, like for example, choking him, making his piss etc. those are things you should talk about with your partner before forcing them on them whether they end up liking it or not. btw me saying these things, doesnt mean I hate him and support minhyuk. I think their both very bad choices for sooyoung bc they would make the worse lover since they never do anything with consent lol. but yea I love both their characters but would never excuse their actions

    Smirk June 23, 2021 7:12 pm
    The cum is already inside him, he push it so that it will stay there meaning Taesung is possessive... Like you said Soo-young offered his body to Teaseung so that he can pay his debt so think of it as a prostit... Alex

    Sy never agreed to use his body to pay his debt. Ts suggested that and he said no. He's not a prostitute.
    It doesn't matter that they were having sex minutes ago, at the moment Ts started penetrating him with his finger he was unconscious, that's why it's considered rape.

    Alex June 24, 2021 12:45 am
    Sy never agreed to use his body to pay his debt. Ts suggested that and he said no. He's not a prostitute. It doesn't matter that they were having sex minutes ago, at the moment Ts started penetrating him with h... Smirk

    He said go ahead, bring it on and do it faster or something. I'm just saying he is like a prostitute, selling his body so he is willing to do it. Ok, so I agree on the last part you said about the fingers...