this manga is top tier u cant change my mind

rimmytimbers June 23, 2021 3:36 pm

being a former kpop stan and a big fan of these kinds of media like idols, reality shows, mangas,etc., they really point out a lot of the problems in the entertainment industry. they have also connected a lot of psychological experiences that happens behind the industry.

this manga also did a very good job of portraying these types of characters in the industry. hard achiever, obsessive fan, overworked managers, unreliable staff and capitalist companies, very common in the industry. you can’t blame them for being that since that is what the industry is promoting and these ideas goes in the back of our heads unnoticed. that’s why the characters are unlikeable since it’s very realistic except for the supernatural aspect of it. real people really suck ass.

i hope everyone gets the message behind this manga and they deserve every support they get behind this. i don’t see it fucking up anytime soon. this manga would be an interesting story to have a review with.
