worth it?

34moonmilk June 23, 2021 2:03 pm

been debating on whether or not to read this for the longest time is it good or worth it lol

    Where is the lightsaber June 23, 2021 2:12 pm

    Its good enough but the plot isnt close to being a masterpiece. I'd say its somewhere around the average. The communication between the uke and the seme is TERRIBLE. So you can kinda guess how it is.

    Sorami June 23, 2021 3:27 pm

    It's kinda frustrating because the characters can clarify a lot of issues if they'd just sit down and have a mature conversation.

    If you want smut with a decent enough plot, read it.

    If you just want to see the baby or baby bump, that hasn't happened yet so hold out a bit longer.

    If you don't have patience, this probably isn't for you. The plot is crawling and the translation is pretty far behind.