Im so sorry...

boobeeboop June 23, 2021 12:17 pm

but i just cant bring myself to like the male lead i know everyone processes trauma differently and im not blaming him for not wanting to be involved romantically with the queen but the way he lashes out at people is frightening, it looked like he was gonna slap her. at this point im pretty much just reading to see blanche and the queens mother-daughter relationship. I hope the king can at least be a good father even if he cant be a good husband.

    Sanity June 23, 2021 1:14 pm
    My comment that sanity replied to wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the name commenter named Mace. Nemesis

    I mean maybe one day? But as of now queen refuses to ask for more skinship than is necessary for dancing. At the end of the arc (book) they can only hold hands and that is after DAILY excrutiating exposure training. He still had a panic attack when the time came but they pulled it off in the end. Kissing is like DISTANT future maaaaaaaybe

    Sanity June 23, 2021 1:17 pm
    I mean maybe one day? But as of now queen refuses to ask for more skinship than is necessary for dancing. At the end of the arc (book) they can only hold hands and that is after DAILY excrutiating exposure trai... Sanity

    Sorry that was meant for boobeeboop I fat fingers the reply link

    Sanity June 23, 2021 1:18 pm
    yeah its what i meant i didnt know they were gonna be in an ace-relationship. i thought this was gonna be some kind of love fixes trauma ordeal and that wouldn't cut it for me. boobeeboop

    I fat fingers the reply link look below for more deets

    Mece June 23, 2021 2:36 pm
    Dude, your last statement really irked me. Psychologists/therapists/psychiatrists doesn't exist in this setting and you're just expecting him, to better himself on his own because of his position and that he's ... Nemesis

    Not on his own necessarily. But definitely NOT in a romantic relationship with anyone.

    Have you been spoiled on what happens to the original Abagail? On the reasons why she died? I have. So it makes it hard for me to just leave it at he has a trauma.

    His trauma means that he can not have a "normal" relationship. He knows that he can't have a "normal" relationship. But instead of finding away to navigate those waters he marries a princess but doesn't clue her in on how "abnormal" their relationship will be until after the wedding. Things spiraled downward from there because OG Abagail had her own issues. That is not fair. Even with her bad behavior it is not fair.

    He is not unaware of how "abnormal" his situation is. He knows what is expected of a husband. But he is physically repulsed by the idea of such actions. But he has power now. As a grown man, and more importantly as a KING, he can CHOOSE his wife. He doesn't have to just get married to anyone. He most certainly doesn't have to get married to someone of high status like the princess of another country. Something that would put even more pressure on him to preform his husbandly duties.

    He should have found a woman of middle status and formed a contract with her. Instead he married a woman of high status and started ignoring her. That was a severe mistake.

    Mece June 23, 2021 2:44 pm
    My point on that statement wasn't even directed at the og commenter, the comment was directed at the other person who told the king 'to act like an adult because he's a king' despite his traumas. Nemesis

    Also yes. He should act like an adult because he is king despite his traumas. He is a king. He holds peoples lives and livelihoods in his hands. His daughter was getting abused because of his inattention. Not just by OG Abagail either, but by that so called tutor that tried to poison her after new Abagail noticed the abuse.

    Life is messy sometimes. So it is both true that he has a trauma, but that he has responsibilities as a king, a father and a husband. I'm not saying that its all his fault. But trauma doesn't absolve blame like that.

    The Whovian June 24, 2021 3:13 am
    He did not respond with violence. He pushed her away (and possibly didn't control his strength). I do see what the previous post said about not seeing them romantically but hey can be in a romantic relationship... Sanity

    He didnt just push her, he slapped her away