Mac0 san June 23, 2021 11:16 am

YEH THIS HIT HOME AND HITS REALLY HARD :’D KNOWING HOW PEOPLE WONT SEE YOU AS A GENDER YOU IDENTIFY IS REALLY HEARTBREAKING. I also have a feeling that the people leaving a bad review is because they where hoping to see a “spicy” scene and didnt get one but this story actually shows how the world is like and how life is cruel and how different people find comfort in different people/things. Also the whole “shrine” thing, how come you dont say that to ACTUAL PEOPLE who actually do this to wether they are real or not? I think the reason why the doctor asked about that think is probably because of what jimin said to the doctor and in the panel, you can see she is there next to him and knowing what he been thought, he’s really not mentally and physically not ok… like what do you expect how people would act after loosing a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other, not having a family, and loosing youre mom in a span of 6-7 months? Yes everyone can take everything in differently but don’t expect people not be ok, mentally and physically.. im also starting to thing some of yall are transphobic just by reading some comments… btw, im a trans guy so please use hi/him pronouns when addressing me because I constantly get missed gender. Anyways 10/10 made me cry everytime i see jimin… shes a really beautiful girl:’)

    Mac0 June 23, 2021 11:20 am

    Lol i meant he/him not HI lol