You guys should also read this
they could've buried Sable alive, thank god h the butler said he ate an app...
I had to backtrack a few times to make sure I hadn't skipped chapters. This...
That resolved too quickly???😭😭 The king died and resurrected back why...
Ok, so I was reading thru some of y'alls comments and I was left stunned. CLEARLY, many of the commenters have never experienced trauma or been traumatized before. The ML slapped away the FL's hand because he LITERALLY cannot control it! Its instinctive, like when you pull ur hand away when you get burned. Guys, when you burn urself on the stove, do you check if the stove is ok? Obviously not, you immediately try to alleviate ur pain and thats what our ML was doing. He's hurt and so he has to immediately remove himself from that situation to go alleviate his pain. Its not like he slapped her hand away because he hates her, in fact you can see that he felt bad for reacting the way he did even thou he fcking can't help it. Some of these comments that are like, "idc if he has trauma or why he gotta be so rude about it" REALLY scream ignorant. Imagine disliking someone because they have a trauma?? like wtff (sorry for the rant!)