
Miang June 23, 2021 10:19 am

Im honestly bothered how the duke is letting his men die and not be worried about them.

    Oxyjeon June 25, 2021 2:47 pm

    Me too im thinking about it for 2 weeks already

    Vicki June 25, 2021 3:39 pm
    Me too im thinking about it for 2 weeks already Oxyjeon

    I'm not justifying their deaths but...
    They know what that family is like...
    He probably asked who would come and they volunteered to go

    Nickname June 25, 2021 3:46 pm

    Well I mean Sharky claimed that they were sparing them or showing the mercy I like “knocking them out“ but they were fully stabbed like what the fuck. And then they justify it by saying oh my little sister doesn’t like the smell of blood but they’re still stabbing people

    SargonXoXo June 25, 2021 10:49 pm

    That’s life, nobles would send thousands of troops/knights to they’re deaths to gain small portions of lands or a bit of glory and it was beautiful… talk about population control they really knew what they were doing, honestly the world needs a free for all everyone against everyone last 1 billion standing wins