I read the novel and i didn't have any problem with the scene where the king rejected and ...

Anonymous June 23, 2021 6:40 am

I read the novel and i didn't have any problem with the scene where the king rejected and slapped the queen's hand, i mean the spoilers already told me about his trauma and all

But apparently seeing it in pictures angered me, seeing how shocked her face is and the people around her, seeing how red her hand visually, it gives different impact because the novel doesn't give that much details

i understand where the king came from, but it still pisses me off, he should apologize, it doesn't matter if he just mutter or whisper an apologize without looking at her in the eyes and leave, at least try to show a small apologize instead immediately left and constantly avoided her like that

I know the situation will get better and they'll have heartfelt conversation, he will also apologize, but it happens because of blanche, if blanche never talks to the king, the king will remains inconsiderate, and i seriously find that irritating

He's a full grown adult and he still needs a little girl to point out what he did wrong, ugh..

YES he has trauma, his past was awful, but that doesn't give him the right to embarrass the queen in public like that! I don't have any problem with how he got pale and slapped the queen, i also understand the part where he yelled at her, but when he saw the queen stunned, he should let out a tiny small apologize, even though the apologize is improper but at least he try, it angers me that he didn't try at all before blanche scolded him
