I don’t know how people think Yuri got better as a character because she doesn’t actua...

MysteryDream3 June 23, 2021 3:20 am

I don’t know how people think Yuri got better as a character because she doesn’t actually change. She’s constantly kidnapped and creates problems for those around her. Like you could argue it’s not her fault she’s kidnapped but like she does nothing to prevent it. Now if it happened once I’d understand but no it happens multiple times and she never learned her lesson. She’s really good with a sword and could take on anybody who tried to kidnap her if she had a sword but for some reason she decided not to carry one with her after the first kidnapping. On top of that she was always sneaking off and saying she knew how to handle herself so no one should worry when suddenly she’s been kidnapped! Again. Like how clueless can she be?? And then after all that she’s given an army to lead?? Idk about you but I certainly wouldn’t trust someone who’s incapable of taking care of themselves to lead an army. All she did was cause trouble and yet somehow by the end of the story she’s treated as a goddess and somehow saves the kingdom.
