i mean i guess, but i looked and they havent worked on this since chapter 5, atleast not here on mangago, from what i could tell (do corect me if im wrong), and it feels a bit rude as sera&sho said just a few days ago that they would upload soon, so even if they were not "the first" uploader, they were the ones doing most of the rest of the season

Scan beans dont even upload on mgg, someone else took their release from their server and put it up. Blame the uploader not the groups.
They talked with SS fujo when the snipe first happened, and the two agreed to disagree and post on different sites
And scan beans does dick redeaws for most of their work wxecpt when their redrawer is busy. So its not even the same work done twice.

My bad then. A lot of people are blaming scan beans and calling them snipers when they were the ones who were sniped. And they didnt start drama over it, so its weird to see it come out now.
I personally dont give a crap about what group is working on something bc every group has their own idea of quality standards and theyre all doing illegal stuff anyways, but i dont like seeing a group blamed for shit they didnt do.
to the one who uploaded the newest 3 chapters, please stop, this webtoon already have a team working on it and you are uploading over/snipping them