one of my all time faves

Cleopatra June 22, 2021 11:45 pm

ugh the more I grow up the more I relate to this manga damn
I feel like this is my 20th reread but I lent my physical copies to a friend and she told me she really liked them so i had to read them again lol

Sucks so bad though... I feel like I can see both Imagase and Kyouichi in aspects of myself. The insecurities love can bring you, how you tiptoe around a person and neglect your needs only to blow up when it gets too much, all this insecurity, searching for validation and love while at the same time thinking you don't deserve it and then not trusting in people's love around you. I know this ain't real but I sincerely hope this works out for them...

    Jhasmine June 9, 2024 12:27 am

    Both are toxic and red flag, idk if it's a "Happy ending", i'm too speechless for this manga.

    Cleopatra June 9, 2024 12:00 pm
    Both are toxic and red flag, idk if it's a "Happy ending", i'm too speechless for this manga. Jhasmine

    Did you reply to my happy and ancient comment just to uuh state facts? Like, ok so? A good story doesnt have to be about good, wholesome people, nor is it portrayed as an ideal or healthy relationship. If you wanted that kind of story maybe look elsewhere? Did you think anyone with half a brain-cell thought these guys were the example pf what a healthy relationship looks like and you wanted to give me a revelation 3 years later that they are in fact not?? lol what?

    They are toxic characters but they are well fleshed out, which is what makes them frustrating, they are not caricatures or villains, just pretty shitty people who want to be loved and feel less alone. And yeah it is not a happy ending because this is not a simple minded fairytale story where once you date everything works out forever and once you are in love all your flaws get "fixed". It is a story about people who dare to love each other despite themselves.

    Jhasmine June 9, 2024 4:28 pm
    Did you reply to my happy and ancient comment just to uuh state facts? Like, ok so? A good story doesnt have to be about good, wholesome people, nor is it portrayed as an ideal or healthy relationship. If you w... Cleopatra

    My bad bro, didn't mean to reply to ur comment, but u do have a point