Jiwon and Suha lived together in the same house until Jiwon started highschool because Suha went off to college and hung around Do Hyuk. Their families are friends. Director Lee- Jiwons grandma- took Suha's family in after the death of his father. Jiwon wanted to see his crush and went out and saw him one day because he hadn't seen him in awhile. He was happy to learn that Suha wasn't going on the study abroad. Like...Did you even read the story or are you just here for the sex? Jiwon was never a stalker. The fact that they are working together was through their familial connections and you can say the same thing about them living together earlier in their lives.
NO! he totally follows him on the train! and don't say he wasn't creepy, he was! and he even thought that is following someone like that is wrong? yeas it is wrong cause it is creepy! and even if they live together, they still never know each other that well or were a couple back then. Suha never really see him as a romantic option!
and then he do it again by following him around and watch who he is meeting!
it's about time people admit he is a stalker already!
living together does not give you the right to follow them without their permission and being creepy!! NO!!
Well now it goes beyond stalking. I guess he could not stop himself from locking him uh, crazy stalker? XD