it’s been a long ass time since i’ve read the novel but - i rmbr vinte...

kayla June 22, 2021 6:37 pm

it’s been a long ass time since i’ve read the novel but


i rmbr vinter’s ending...?? or arc...smth being kinda sad, and how each of the guys’ “love meters” represents a different kind of love and his made me cry a bit TTT at least i think it was him and his everlasting/unrequited love

    Eyo it's ya boi June 22, 2021 8:13 pm

    He is the reason why things happened, the MC being in this body and everything. His love was the purest in my opinion, very much a "so longas she's happy I am" no desire to possess or control. I love that as an ace/aro.

    f... June 22, 2021 8:34 pm

    Yesss Hes the reason she’s even alive and tbh I feel like she was a little ungrateful to him considering all he’s done for her ☹

    Angel June 22, 2021 9:13 pm

    Are you talking about the real sister or MC?

    kayla June 23, 2021 12:42 am
    Yesss Hes the reason she’s even alive and tbh I feel like she was a little ungrateful to him considering all he’s done for her ☹ f...


    extra text lol


    some more extra

    yeaaaa he gets stuck in a mirror or smth for her right ?? like sir TTT the dedication

    kayla June 23, 2021 12:43 am
    Are you talking about the real sister or MC? Angel

    vinter loved the mc i believe..........someone else confirm pls

    f... June 23, 2021 9:17 am
    spoilerextra text lol-some more extrayeaaaa he gets stuck in a mirror or smth for her right ?? like sir TTT the dedication kayla

    He like sacrificed all his workshop and stuff too