
Lav June 22, 2021 6:11 pm

So, this is gonna be a long spoiler for the whole novel. Please do give and take the spoilers I’m going to give. It has been a hot minute since I read the novel.

Without further ado, during this arc Kallisto and Penelope get involved in an assassination attempt. Assassins tried to kill Kallisto and Penelope happened to be there with him. As they fight, Penelope knocks out the assassins with her bow. They manage to runaway and Kallisto gets poisoned. However, Penelope is able to bring him back the camp grounds before anything really bad happens to him. When they comeback, the other nobles are “worried” about them. They also find out that the assassins who attacked them were actually also nobles. And they tried to frame Penelope for kidnapping Kallisto and hurting nobles. So, they bring her to court. During this time, her father and Reynold try really hard to defend her. Reynold tells her that he believes she didn’t do anything wrong. But, Derek say she should just admit guilt and doesn’t believe her. So, during court it is proven that she’s innocent and she even proclaims that she and Kallisto are in love. That’s why they were together. This shocks EVERYONE. So, with that alibi, the case ends and the sentence the assassins to jail/death. Kallisto during all of this is unconscious until after the court trial and he finds out that Penelope claimed they were lovers. So, when she went to visit him, he’s like teasing her about it. Her family is totally against it, but she uses him as an excuse that she’s really in love with him. After this, you see Kallisto trying everything to win her over.

There’s this scene where he tells her that she always seems like she wants to die (not exactly, but close to what is said). And that the reason why he carries a sword around her is that if she dies, he will immediately kill
himself to follow her .

So, after the hunting arc comes this arc where Penelope, Kallisto, and Vinter come into contact with the bad guys. Penelope sees the Yvonne with them. They fight in this cave and that’s how Kallisto finds out about the bad guys. I don’t really remember this arc, but it was mainly about finding out what the bad guys are doing and finding out that Yvonne is alive and is working with them.

After this arc, I don’t really remember much. Cause there isn’t anything very memorable until you go into the final stages of the novel. So, if anyone remembers anything other significant after that arc before the last arc. Please help out!

But, back to the story. In the last few arcs, we see everything going downhill. Eckliss goes crazy over Penelope. This is because Penelope and Kallisto announces their love for one another and Eckliss can’t take it. So, what does he do? He BETRAYS Penelope. He brings back Yvonne into the family. And the whole family is “happy.” The things is, the family doesn’t like disregard Penelope. The father & Reynold try their best to still love her. On the other hand, Derek and Penelope is still kind of off. With Yvonne back, Derek becomes even colder towards her — but it’s not like Penelope cares about him anymore.

So, with Yvonne back, Penelope wonders why Eckliss betrayed her. He says he’s for her sake and that if he can’t have her, no one can. After Yvonne’s comeback, things move into the final stages. We have the war. Yvonne and her bad guys team up with Eckliss and his former citizens of his country. Penelope is devastated because she trusted Eckliss. And he tries to be like “it’s all for your sake. You would be happier with me. I love you. If I can’t have you, no one can.” So, things go down. Then, we find out that Yvonne isn’t actually Yvonne.

This takes us into the flashback. We find out that Yvonne was actually dead all along. She died when she went missing. Her body is being used as a vessel by the villains. And I’m the first timeline, we find out that fake Yvonne casted a spell over everyone to make everyone love her so that she can destroy the world. The reason why Penelope is killed in the first timeline is because she comes from a line of ancestors who used to fight against the villains. And is this immune to the magic, but she gets killed However, Vinter being the magician snaps out of the spell, realizes who Penelope is, turns back time to save everyone and sends Penelope back into the other world to protect her. And the time rewind redoes all the whole timeline. This other world being the modern society. Penelope finds this out and saw the similarities of the two world she’s been living in. So, Penelope finds out that it is ultimately her in the end, who has the save the world.

As the fight ends, fake Yvonne tries to kill Penelope. However, Eckliss saves her and realizes his mistakes. His death is a mystery though because his body was allegedly not found, but tbh he dead-dead in my opinion. Anyways, after the fight ends, everything goes into place. Penelope does faint and goes back to the modern world for a bit, where shes in the hospital and sees her family worrying about her. However, she chooses to die in the modern world to be with Kallisto in the original world. She and Kallisto gets married. And one day, she finds this mirror and sees the original Yvonne there. Original Yvonne thanks Penelope for saving her family, tells her she’s jealous about Penelope living a life while she’s dead, and asks Penelope to let their family know that she (Yvonne) is okay and will be okay now. She says this because the family finds out about fake Yvonne being evil and has to go through losing their daughter/sister twice.

At the end, Penelope visits the family. Where she’s close to Reynold and her father, but she tells them that although things have changed, she doesn’t plan to forgive them since they never been kind to her. However, as time passes on, maybe they can work something out. And with Derek, she doesn’t even really want to talk to him because he’s always doubted her. However, Derek makes the first step to stay away from her and tries to support her from then on. Penelope does visit them every now and then, cause she does think of them as family and they do want to make it all
Up with her.

Kallisto and Penelope do get married and have a happy life! It’s a very sweet ending for them because they fit each other well!

And that’s it for the spoilers, please correct or add onto anything I said! Hope this helps everyone. Sorry that it’s so long too lol.

    LatteGratte June 22, 2021 6:24 pm

    Derrick was shit to the end. Not even surprised. And I read spoilers about Eclise’s betrayal, but I didn’t realize it was that bad…. Wow. He really is selfish.

    hanaseu June 22, 2021 6:25 pm

    thank you for taking your time to write us spoilers ^^ I hope both sides of your pillow are cold <3

    アンナバニラ(Anna) June 22, 2021 6:25 pm

    God so she with Kalisto I thought she would be with her knight hahahaha... But well from first I ship her with him hoho *happy* thank you for the spoiler

    asley June 22, 2021 6:29 pm

    I was planning to read the novel. But thank you for this!<3
    ( I was lazy to read the novel anyway! )

    Xion June 22, 2021 6:38 pm

    Wow thanks! You answered all the questions in my mind hahah (▰˘◡˘▰)

    nadz08 June 22, 2021 7:19 pm
    I was planning to read the novel. But thank you for this!<3( I was lazy to read the novel anyway! ) asley

    its MTL so after reading you'll feel dizzy and feel like your brain has been fried. I wish someone spoiled me instead of reading that T_T

    nadz08 June 22, 2021 7:20 pm


    the game is actually very important, since everytime the FL died in the game then restart it, a piece of her soul also dies

    Day_helder June 22, 2021 9:11 pm

    So you're telling penelope has been penelope this whole time? Even before she transmitted into the game? When she was living in the modern world?

    Angel June 22, 2021 9:22 pm
    SPOILER!!!!the game is actually very important, since everytime the FL died in the game then restart it, a piece of her soul also dies nadz08

    So like million of people used the game so wtf is that.

    nadz08 June 22, 2021 9:42 pm
    So like million of people used the game so wtf is that. Angel

    only the game she played hun, and she unlocked the "special" quest where she played as penelope. The game was originally in Yvonnes POV