True, loved this story. Bought the hole thing on tappy, I would buy all the volumes in book form if they sold it in English. I have to reread again even tho I completed it today and spent 2 days with no sleep almost. Such an amazing story with an outstanding plot. I could understand the character and their actions, I couldn’t hate Raymond even since just look closely how their lives was, the world they lived in.

Ahh I see but we didn’t got to see that scenes where he told him right? Also Betty did this cause she was also in love with him or only because of the princess orders. I’m gonna need to reread right now, but I’m quite sure I didn’t see any dialog where Ian and Raymond talked about the kidnapping together

Yes they didn't show the scenes. Ian didn't even know it was the princess's orders, he just thought Betty did it cuz she was in love with Raymond. Raymond then realized it was the princess who probably did it.
That's why he first acted like Betty told him, to get a confession out of her and then said it was Ian who told him. This is where the princess realized that Ian was alive and wasn't killed like she had ordered to.
So I think Betty liked Raymond, but acted on the princess's orders.

Ah makes sense what u are saying, and also I thought she was naive and was thinking more like a fairytale love since she was so into it and then saw Raymond and she wanted him so much. But it’s weird since in the beginning the princess looked so in love with him but when Raymond confronted her and said he will not marry her, she didn’t looked as heartbroken or sad, I was a little shocked since I would thought she would beg, and be more desperate since she loved him so much but I didn’t get that vibe at all from her
What happened to that deep love or hers, and also did she say that Raymond could have Ian as a mistress after they got married? And I don’t understand how she could figure out that Raymond only wanted her for power, I wonder how she figured that out tho. Since Raymond was very good at acting and manipulative people
It looked so damn tiresome so be Raymond, always being around people like that, power, status, money, u can’t trust anyone 100%, always being on guard.
Even when Ian was kidnapped from the mansion he became a slave immediately and almost sold to some bad people, ah how everyone just treat other like nothing or always doing what benefits them. I would gone crazy in that world
1) The first page of story super glues your eyes to the screen and the only thing that can unstick your eyes is the last page.
2) This story treats your heart as a rag doll all the time until the end.
3) The roller coaster this story takes you through resembles a sound wave with high amplitude and frequency.
4) If you had a penny for ever time there was a plot twist, you would be richer than the seme.
5) If you receive a grain of rice for each time the seme broke hearts, world hunger will be solved.