Oop, I forgot to edit some parts. So just to clarify, yes you are right to which Navier and Sovieshu both ate the cookies consisting of the abortion drugs. However, Navier did become pregnant as the bed used on the first night between her and Heinley had been made up of mana, also known as magic, which healed Navier.

If you're talking about the daughter of Trashta, because she's illegitimate, she no longer resides in the palace and instead gets adopted by a merchant to which reminds him of his wife who dreamed of having a child but was unable to. So, the merchant couple takes in the daughter and raises her as their own. As for the son, he remains with his father Alan.
As someone who has read the light novel (I can read Korean hangul, but there are ongoing translations being adapted into English for anyone who can't read hangul), I thought "you know what, let's give ya'll what you deserve". So, here I am, and be prepared for the spoilers below
1. Though Navier is legally regarded as the Queen of the Western Kingdom, she still, however, faces some backlash in the higher up community due to being a former citizen of the Eastern Kingdom (the people are kinda untrustworthy of Navier), and because Christa, the former Queen of the Western Kingdom as well as the sister-in-law of Heinley to whom was married to Heinley's late brother, dislikes Navier due to having a one-sided romance towards Heinley. So, Christa is jealous of Navier because ever since Christa met Heinley, she's been infatuated with him but could never express her romantic feelings for him as she was being planned to marry his late brother.
2. Despite the former, Navier doesn't hold any disdain towards Christa and instead tries to win the higher-ups by joining forces with Duchess Tuania, as well as with one of the noble ladies who dislike the fact that Christa was still residing in the palace despite not being the Queen anymore.
3. Although she did have some speculations, Navier finds out that Heinley is Queen when she had been taking an evening walk near the palace fountain to which she had secretly seen Heinley turn from his form as Queen to his naked human form. And because Heinley knew nothing of this, throughout a few chapters, Navier is seen being heavily flustered around Heinley due to being drifted back to the image of him naked. (Side Note: Upon seeing him naked in the fountain, Navier describes Heinley as "huge").
4. Sovieshu and Trashta invite Navier and Heinley to their wedding in the Eastern Kingdom to which Trashta is seen wearing an over-the-top dress with multiple pieces of bling to the point where she had been described as looking like a "Christmas tree". This completely pissed Sovieshu off as the dress made Trashta look completely ridiculous - the dress looked as if someone has barfed multiple pieces of jewelry on it to the point where there was just too much going on.
5. During the wedding ceremony, Sovieshu had become extremely petty and jealous of seeing Navier with Heinley to the point where even after the ceremony, Sovieshu had the audacity to beg Navier to take him back by saying that their divorce was only going to be valid until a year later when they're able to remarry again, as well as using Heinley's playboy image to try and swoon Navier. Despite this, Navier doesn't fall for Sovieshu's lies and completely ignores his request for remarriage.
6. Back in the Western Kingdom, Navier invites Duke Kaufman in hopes of joining forces in regards to trades (the negotiation that failed to be upheld in the Eastern Kingdom), to which the love potion he drank back in the Eastern Kingdom still persists. Thus, not only making it harder for himself to cope with the extreme changes, especially around the wedding of Navier and Heinley but also for Navier as whenever Navier tried to approach the Duke, he would ignore her in order to resist the effects of the potion in which Christa interprets this as a hateful relationship between the Duke and Navier. So, Christa tries to use the Duke in order to win over the higher-ups against Navier, but of course, this plan fails.
7. The wedding between Navier and Heinley commence to which both of them are happily seen walking down the aisles with genuine smiles on their faces to which angers Sovieshu. On this day, Heinley discusses matters regarding their first night with Navier to which Heinley describes himself as being "inexperienced", so he asks Navier if she could lead him in the bedroom. In regards to this, the scene was just so wholesome to the point where even both Navier and Heinley had their awkward but touching moments together.
8. Back in the Eastern Kingdom, Trashta is seen to show her true colors as she not only acts in harsh means to punish the workers within the palace despite it being her fault but also cut off any financial benefits left by Navier in regards to her sponsors so she could benefit herself. Sovieshu discovers this and begins to distance himself from Trashta as he's in disbelief of Trashta acting in this kind of way. Over a few weeks, Trashta gives birth to a healthy baby girl to which in regards to Trashta's deceitful nature, Sovieshu asks for a paternity test to be taken. Thus, revealing that the baby wasn't in fact Sovieshu's but Alan's daughter to whom Alan is the lover of Trashta when she was a slave. So, Trashta was indeed pregnant when she was a slave prior to meeting Sovieshu. This of course causes an uproar within the Kingdom where all of Trashta's lies are revealed to the point where she was imprisoned for all her crimes. It is here that Trashta's lack of self-awareness causes her to become depressed that she even leads herself to the point of suicide.
9. A few days after the wedding ceremony of Navier and Heinley, Navier has a dream of a baby bird to which she interprets as a sign of pregnancy. Wholeheartedly, she indeed does find out she's pregnant (FYI both Navier and Sovieshu are infertile due to the laced cookies. However on Navier's first night with Heinley, she had fallen pregnant by doing "it" on a bed that consisted of mana to which healed Navier's fertility), and gives birth to twins - one being a girl and one being a boy.
10. After the death of Trashta and Navier giving birth to twins, Sovieshu continuously begs Navier to take him back to the point where he even shamelessly asks her to take him as her concubine. Navier boldly rejects his offer to whom Navier makes a clear statement that her love will only be towards her husband, Heinley, and her two kids. Whilst Sovieshu is living his life full of regret and contempt, Navier happily spends the rest of her life loving Heinley and her kids to which the twins take after their father of having the ability in being able to transform into birds.