Those brothers get on my fcking nerves

Mumu June 22, 2021 12:41 pm

Those brothers get on my fcking nerves

    Rat3000 June 22, 2021 12:44 pm

    they left their sister to save a random whore
    the crown prince was right

    Cypher June 22, 2021 12:55 pm
    right?they left their sister to save a random whorethe crown prince was right Rat3000

    Who did they save again? I'm too lazy to re-read (=・ω・=)

    Biggie Cheese June 22, 2021 12:58 pm
    right?they left their sister to save a random whorethe crown prince was right Rat3000

    Bruh... WHY are you bashing the woman her brother saved?? It's not her fault he chose to save her.

    Rat3000 June 22, 2021 6:48 pm
    Bruh... WHY are you bashing the woman her brother saved?? It's not her fault he chose to save her. Biggie Cheese

    I'm not bashing a random girl its not about her
    my beef is with Derek
    Q: would you priorities a random person over your family member in that situation?

    me: HELL NAH, I ain't trying to be batman up in here

    Biggie Cheese June 23, 2021 10:28 am
    I'm not bashing a random girl its not about hermy beef is with DerekQ: would you priorities a random person over your family member in that situation?me: HELL NAH, I ain't trying to be batman up in here Rat3000

    Bro, the evidence is literally in your first called the person the saved a 'random whore', like? how is that not bashing the woman they saved?? tf?

    Biggie Cheese June 23, 2021 10:32 am

    also, just fyi, being a whore isn't a bad thing. Like, who cares if you have multiple people you have sex with? you aren't hurting anyone. But Rat3000 used it like it's an insult against a person we LITERALLY know nothing about. She, like, doesn't even have a name

    Rat3000 June 23, 2021 1:07 pm
    also, just fyi, being a whore isn't a bad thing. Like, who cares if you have multiple people you have sex with? you aren't hurting anyone. But Rat3000 used it like it's an insult against a person we LITERALLY k... Biggie Cheese

    Hells yeah but she might be a nobody now but you know the moment after that save that
    No name Bitch will be following the tight ass brother and you will see how clingy and annoying probably talking smack about our girl
    That's how those girls always are in these kinda stories.
    Calling her a whore was a true insult to the professional.

    Worm is a fitting word for those kinda girls.

    Biggie Cheese June 23, 2021 2:53 pm

    I understand were you are coming from, a LOT of authors in this genre make pretty much make the mc the only 'good woman' in the story, and all the other woman are 'vain' and 'mean' and only chase after men. Which is really irritating cause it's just plain sexist, and is just there cause authors don't know how to make a woman a good antagonist without using sexist stereotypes. But even if I see where you're coming from, i don't think automatically seeing other women and calling them 'worms' is cool. If they actually do be mean to the mc, then yeah, i would agree with you. But when we don't even know their names? And all they did was be saved by the mc's brother and thank him for saving their life? I think it's uncalled for, even if later the author uses them as the stereotypical woman antagonist.