then you could’ve not read it if it made yall uncomfortable? they have a bdsm, cnc relationship. in the beginning they obviously talked about what they were and werent okay with, which most ppl in bdsm or cnc relationships do. what they did is called somnophilia, and its an actual thing. you give consent before you sleep. but ofc this means that you would have to think about it a lot since you can’t take back ur consent once youre asleep, you can once youre awake tho. which he didnt, he didnt say the safe word. if that makes u uncomfortable then idk maybe bdsm or cnc stories arent for u

With all due respect, you're proving my point. There was no talk beforehand. Jooni didn't mean to fall asleep and they didn't discuss safe words or anything before he did. I get that people have different kinks - different plays that they're into. We've clearly seen in this manhwa that Jooni and Siwon have several. And I am not shaming that whatsoever. If they had discussed safe words and somnophilic play before Jooni fell asleep, I wouldn't have written my original post. But it was clear that they didn't by the way Siwon reacted when Jooni fell asleep. I don't hate nor am I uncomfortable with BDSM manhwas. I just wish that BDSM was portrayed correctly. And this manhwa was supposed to be the that one exception to so many others. I get that this is fiction, but art imitates life, and there are so many instances of irresponsible BDSM practices and relationships in the media that it leads to people getting hurt and left feeling violated in real life when that is not the purpose of BDSM.

yes i understand what you meant however since its a book not everything will be in it, so the author mightve meant it as consent and both parties being completely alright with it and just have not put it in. again they shouldve but since its a book its not that big of a deal. however if it was a real life thing then i would agree that they needed a much better scene of consent etc.

Dreams and real life are not the same thing. We don't know if Jooni would have been cool with Siwon fucking him while he was asleep because the author didn't make that clear. This is purely your conjecture. I'm sure that the author probably intended it to be that way, but we don't get confirmation
from what is shown to us, and that is why so many people are uncomfortable.
The reason so many people are upset is that this last chapter was, whether you want to look at it that way or not, unconsensual. It doesn't matter if Jooni said yes before falling asleep. It doesn't matter if he probably - not definitely - would have been okay with with if he woke up in the middle.
What Siwon did was shitty, and completely out of character for him. It doesn't matter that they started out with a BDSM relationship, because the whole point of BDSM is pushing you to your limits sexually, WITH YOUR CONSENT. Jooni could not consent while he was asleep. If this had happened to any of you in real life, I'm guessing that you might not be singing the same tune that you are now. Regardless of whether or not you gave permission beforehand, no one should think it's okay to do that to you when you're sleeping.
That's why everyone here is upset/uncomfortable with this chapter. When Jooni woke up, he thought that he had had a really vivid dream. He didn't realize that he had fallen asleep after initiating sex, and Siwon decided to keep going anyway. It doesn't matter that Siwon was excited, he could have gone and rubbed one out in the bathroom. There was absolutely no reason for what Siwon did. The fact that it makes so many of us uncomfortable to the point where we're voicing our criticism, doesn't mean we're shitting on the manhwa. It means we had high expectations for this story and this previous chapter let us down.