Bro if u really love navier fertile or no u Will never bring any hoe . Is have navier ia...

LEVI x Broom June 22, 2021 9:43 am

Bro if u really love navier fertile or no u Will never bring any hoe .

Is have navier ia not enough? If there no sucesor u can bring ur family . But u bring rastha? And now u want both rasta baby and navier?

This is why i don't want to isekai or born to this kind of old years.
Women is being objek that have to bear Childs if not u r failed being women.

Man always be the top and women only seen as toy or objec. This is make me sick

If my partner ia infertile IM gonna adopt child, that showed how u love ur partner, infertils or no.

    Mee June 22, 2021 9:51 am

    Im not sure but itd be hilarious if it ended up being sovieshu who was in fertile

    Ika June 22, 2021 10:02 am
    Im not sure but itd be hilarious if it ended up being sovieshu who was in fertile Mee

    The truth is..... He's infertile not navier

    Mee June 22, 2021 11:48 am

    Watch her get prego then sovieshu be what is this sorcery than him realizing he is infertile and also realizing his now prego wife cheated.