Does Sovieshit love Navier?

peepeepoopoo June 22, 2021 1:45 am

Dude I hate him so much but I just dont fckin understand, like does he love Navier or Trashta like how can he mistreat her and throw her away just because he thinks she’s infertile?? Like my mind can’t process what the frick is wrong with him does he love her or he just cant stand losing someone that was once his?

    vee :P June 22, 2021 1:50 am

    he’s just a psychopath…

    Ciel June 22, 2021 1:55 am

    He's mad because he couldnt have his cake and eat it at the same time (︶︿︶)=凸

    Mystic June 22, 2021 1:58 am

    I must admit that having a future heir is important for the kingdom but that was no reason for him to divorce and throw her way. He's such a hypocrite, he threw her away and now he wants to her back? Like.. ( ̄. ̄) I have no words..

    MilkTea_ms June 22, 2021 2:04 am

    Rather than loving her I think he understands as a queen Navier could never be replaced on top of that his ego and pride which he can shove up his ass is making him obsessive over what he considered "his"

    gelatto June 22, 2021 2:07 am

    doesn't matter if he loves her or not,,, he did navier wrong and took a piece of trash concubine in... The problem starts when he did that, He keeps accusing Navier of stuffs regarding Trashta and that srsly suxxs.. and much worse initiated a divorce bc he thinks navier would wait for him,, wait for what? For him to have a family with that trash? And that trash sitting on her throne? and she'd take the throne back? nah my queen doesn't need hand down things if she can get a brand new one which is the throne of western empire

    Justupdatepls June 22, 2021 2:08 am

    So apparently if he doesn’t produce an heir then the throne is eventually passed to an eligible close relative if the royal couple can’t conceive so that’s what he wanted to prevent. He had intended to make the baby with Rashta legitimate then divorce her and remarry Navier because let’s be honest, she is unmatched in every form. Tbh who knows how all of this may have turned out if he had just explained everything to her as well as the situation with the cookies. But…he’s a damn idiot so now he’s screwed up his own plan because he forgot that Navier is far more resourceful than him and he thought that she was so perfect and proper that she wouldn’t even think of remarrying. But yes, I would say he cares for Navier (I think mostly due to their past friendship and her competence), but I think his capacity to “love” her or anyone is limited by his position as an emperor (because that’s his identity, that’s what he values most). That’s aside, he’s stupid af because he could have just tried to enforce a law where bastards could be eligible for the throne. While tough, I think that’s better than allowing Rashta to sniff the throne.

    Tldr: he was trying to be clever but ended up being a dumbass

    Fafi June 22, 2021 2:10 am

    Oh boy, here we go, Basically the Emperor always only Loved Navier but since both of them become, Emperor and an Empress they grow distant because Navier Became cold, and independent, while The Emperor wants a loving wife, and He becomes too prideful to ask Navier to show her love for him when he met Rashita who was Naive, and helpless, act cute all the time and dependents on him in everything it made him feel good about himself like he was a real man, as well as he always wanted a family but it been year's and they didn't have a child, and he didn't want to admit the mistake he made when they were little with the cookies, and he didn't of which one of them or if both of them were barren, so when Rashita become pregnant he assumed it was Navier and a part of him blamed her for all of this, he wanted a family and a hire, as well as Navier, to be his wife for she is the woman who he truly loves, so instead of telling Navier everything and tell what’s in his heart, he had this plan of making Rashita an Empress for one year so the child can become his hire and then remarry Navier, and like that have the family he always wanted with a child and the woman he loves by his side, But as you can see all this went right in the Drain, because Navier remarried Heinly.

    gelatto June 22, 2021 2:23 am
    So apparently if he doesn’t produce an heir then the throne is eventually passed to an eligible close relative if the royal couple can’t conceive so that’s what he wanted to prevent. He had intended to ma... Justupdatepls

    remember their vacation? when it's navier's bday? he tried touching navier right? but navier didn't like that, did they even did the deed after marrying cuz i think they don't and sometimes when you did it with the virgin she won't get preggy easily,, so that's why he said she's infertile? like bruh the cookies is for aborting and if eaten too much can cause infertility but navier didn't eat that much.. and i know that he likes/love navier but so what? that doesn't justify his actions

    MilkTea_ms June 22, 2021 2:25 am
    Oh boy, here we go, Basically the Emperor always only Loved Navier but since both of them become, Emperor and an Empress they grow distant because Navier Became cold, and independent, while The Emperor wants a ... Fafi

    I totally agree with u but saying he loves Navier is kinda overstatement ngl he's just so stuck up with his "manly ego" He can't bare to see an independent woman because it makes him feel less of a 'man', if his love was true he would have never treaed her like that no matter how much he wanted kids(even tho whole problem was caused by him in the first place) he might have loved her before but now it's just him and his toxic masculinity doing who the fuck knows what lol.

    Justupdatepls June 22, 2021 2:26 am
    remember their vacation? when it's navier's bday? he tried touching navier right? but navier didn't like that, did they even did the deed after marrying cuz i think they don't and sometimes when you did it with... gelatto

    Stupidshu didn’t eat many. He ate one cookie and Navier basically ate the whole bag. That’s why he’s convinced he’s fertile and she isn’t. Also he had a mental though earlier in the series (I think it appeared in the manhua as well as the novel) that they had been trying for like 8 or 9 years so they definitely were doing the deed

    gelatto June 22, 2021 2:35 am
    Stupidshu didn’t eat many. He ate one cookie and Navier basically ate the whole bag. That’s why he’s convinced he’s fertile and she isn’t. Also he had a mental though earlier in the series (I think it... Justupdatepls

    bruh it's not a whole bag,, i think he used a hanky and it's not a lot that can fit inside it,

    Justupdatepls June 22, 2021 2:57 am
    bruh it's not a whole bag,, i think he used a hanky and it's not a lot that can fit inside it, gelatto

    ? Okay, I guess? But she did eat several more than he did, at least in the novel translation I read. And I don’t want to spoil to much but he was technically right about some things but very misguided in his approach to solutions in response to those hints. Either way, I digress. None of that matters. All that matter is that he is a dumbass

    gelatto June 22, 2021 3:00 am
    ? Okay, I guess? But she did eat several more than he did, at least in the novel translation I read. And I don’t want to spoil to much but he was technically right about some things but very misguided in his ... Justupdatepls

    he's a big dumbass(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜