
Nanao June 21, 2021 8:48 pm

why are they destroying the story like this :( it was soooo good but now I'm just like is this even the same story anymore? MC may be very loved this time but it's suffocating. it's still toxic af. ML is getting creepier and creepier :( I could understand him before, feeling anxious and insecure and wanting MC for himself but this is seriously getting out of hand. I hope something happens soon that'll make ML realise wtf he's actually doing and that he fucked up big time

    Syndlue June 21, 2021 8:50 pm

    Seriously bro what the fuck.....

    Nanao June 21, 2021 8:55 pm
    Seriously bro what the fuck..... Syndlue

    I'm srsly so disappointed wtf is thiiis

    Nanao June 21, 2021 10:10 pm

    also I still don't think of the title "My Suha" as anything negative, I thought of the title with love, since in Korea they often go with terms like "our" (suha) when they're close like family etc. so no I never, still don't, think of the title as an indication of ML being toxic

    Nanao June 21, 2021 10:11 pm

    also I still don't think of the title "My Suha" as anything negative, I thought of the title with love, since in Korea they often go with terms like "our" (suha) when they're close like family etc. so no I never, still don't, think of the title as an indication of ML being toxic hmm I don't know where the fuck the author is going with this. I love it when the ML is possessive but boyyy this is not just being possessive anymore :(( I also don't think ML is gonna go as far as chain him up or lock him up but who the fuck knows. After all he bought a big ass mansion for MC not to get bored, have a lot to do and to not feel the need to go out. I know that ML really loves MC but he needs to learn to trust MC and maybe go to therapy thanks :))) as it looks like now, I bet MC is gonna sneak out and redhead will kidnap him or something. I just don't know where author wants to go with the story at this point. Guess we'll have to wait and see...