
Haruna June 21, 2021 12:51 pm

Cirrus is fucking dogshit, yeah. But like, are we forgetting that Skylar literally took pictures of someone without their consent? Not just once or twice but like a whole bunch. I'm pretty sure that's illegal no matter how in love you are with someone so can we not hype up someone who basically acts like a part stalker? It's gross. And no, I don't hate the story. It's prettu fucked up but that's why I wanna see where it goes. I'm just confused as to why some of y'all are hyping Skylar up when he illegally took photos of someone without their consent. Past trauma can get you messed up in the brain but that doesn't excuse what he did. If it did, then whatever trauma Cirrus had or is experiencing should also justify his fuck ass self. I'm, of course, only assuming that Cirrus went through some fucked up shit to become like that but if not then he's just an asshole who's wasting space and air in this world

    asphyxia-a June 21, 2021 1:03 pm

    omg you are so fuking right

    dokkaebi June 21, 2021 1:04 pm
    Because pictures are public it's not privacy violation. And because it's when they are together and not pictures of him in his house or shower it's not stalking. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm just reading the laws.

    luc June 21, 2021 1:20 pm pictures are public it's not privacy violation. And because it's when they are together and no... dokkaebi

    oh no ur right depending on where you live there’s also a one consent party rule so if one person consents to it then it’s okay especially since there wasn’t blackmail involved or holding the person in the photo to any bodily or mental harm lmao