Wow. The @$$hole isn't the worst character in the story but the one who has compassion is. Yet people still wonder why we get stories with sh!tty male leads who victimize the female leads, making them appear 's*****'. Because the female lead is always the one responsible for their own as well as the sh!tty male lead's behavior. Whiplash. Ow.

It’s not about compassion it’s about knowing your environment and navigating through it. She’s adding my hassle to the situation and I get that she cares about the ML/FL/ whatever the heck she is but I’m not telling her to take responsibility for the MLs actions I just want her to realize how her actions effect everyone. You can’t save everyone and the green haired girl put herself in that situation she doesn’t even wanna be the crown princess she wants the second prince why not go home because of pride ? It’s annoying and Apple being overly involved when she’s a a lady in waiting is embarrassing and quite frankly it’s unbecoming
Apple probably the worst female lead I’ve come to encounter this story is a train wreck