Im confused can someone explain why the parents want violent to think she’s pregnant?

SparklyUnicorn❀ June 21, 2021 12:09 pm

Im confused can someone explain why the parents want violent to think she’s pregnant?

    Shintawata June 21, 2021 12:12 pm

    Because they will frame the princess being Pregnant with the blond hair Guy .. Thats what im think will happend..

    because NA MC knew they will never Had a baby June 21, 2021 12:15 pm

    Cuz if she thinks she is pregnant and doesn't "pull through" with the pregnancy she will be assumed to have had a miscarriage and people will say that she is infertile and unable to have children. "Shame" on the family, they think winter will hate her, she will feel depressed and angry at herself for failing to give birth to his children. June 21, 2021 12:16 pm
    Cuz if she thinks she is pregnant and doesn't "pull through" with the pregnancy she will be assumed to have had a miscarriage and people will say that she is infertile and unable to have children. "Shame" on th...

    The only plausible reason in my mind. They are some fucked up pieces of work they are. I fucking hate them all. Standing in the way of their love and happiness.

    Ayaben June 21, 2021 12:26 pm

    They explain that ML can only have children with people with mixed blood of is mother tribe, but FL is royalty, meaning iher blood is complete "pure" making them unable to conceive children (she doesn't know).
    If she does appear pregnant, it means she's cheating, this is why his parent's came up with this plan so ML can hate FL, their money make stay still.

    Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) June 21, 2021 12:51 pm

    Cuz then they can make it seem like she is a cheating whore.

    He can't have children with her (or at least he and his family think so) so if she is pregnant, it's logical to assume that she had sex with another man.

    This will make her seem like a cheating whore. The family doesn't like her so they will use this method to make the husband (who holds most power and wealth) dislike her. Most people are very upset by the idea of their partner cheating on them. They hope that this will make him not trust her.

    In their minds, our lovely FL is purposely manipulating him to give them no power/ not to support him financially. That's not true. And they have been manipulating him for years, they see him as a cash cow that will give them money if they pretend to be nice to him.

    She doesn't really have to be pregnant, she simply has to think that she is. If she tells him that she is, he will think that she chated. A lot of pregnancies end with miscarriages so the parents could use that as an excuse later on when no baby comes.

    + June 21, 2021 1:46 pm

    Oh dang didn't make that connection that's even worse fuck no

    Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) June 21, 2021 2:05 pm
    Oh dang didn't make that connection that's even worse fuck no

    What you said makes sense as well, just in a different context. Plus she would proably get shamed for that.

    Shintawata June 21, 2021 3:06 pm
    Cuz then they can make it seem like she is a cheating whore. He can't have children with her (or at least he and his family think so) so if she is pregnant, it's logical to assume that she had sex with another ... Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN)

    but im feeling later on she will Get Pregnant With MC haha coz the princess Us not a Pure Blood

    Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) June 21, 2021 3:09 pm
    but im feeling later on she will Get Pregnant With MC haha coz the princess Us not a Pure Blood Shintawata

    Well from what I know she is.

    But yes there will be little humans. I simply believe that the idea that they can't have kids is incorrect. Maybe the proablitiy is simply slight or something?

    Shintawata June 21, 2021 3:12 pm
    Well from what I know she is.But yes there will be little humans. I simply believe that the idea that they can't have kids is incorrect. Maybe the proablitiy is simply slight or something? Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN)

    Yes ur right thats what im Feeling

    Ayaben June 21, 2021 3:30 pm
    but im feeling later on she will Get Pregnant With MC haha coz the princess Us not a Pure Blood Shintawata

    She's pure blood. The reason they have children is because ML mother's tribe has some magic in them, and this same magic flows through his blood. Because both ML and FL love each other so much, he's able to impregnate her even tho she doesn't have the tribe blood.
    Of course, he has no idea about it.

    Shintawata June 22, 2021 5:06 am
    She's pure blood. The reason they have children is because ML mother's tribe has some magic in them, and this same magic flows through his blood. Because both ML and FL love each other so much, he's able to imp... Ayaben

    Thanks for the info Sissy

    I hope , they will have a wonderful Story ending
