
ofcourse theyre not blood-related since the only connection between the royal family and aria's family is frey who has both familys' blood in her. but you can still technically call it related in a distant relative kind of way. tho i'm not sure with the details since the prince who married the grandma wasn't significant to the throne. so whatever is aria's family relation to asher is as good as irrelevant
aria's grandma in her dad's side was forced into marriage by a low-status royal prince (asher's telative most likely) despite her having a fiance. aria's dad (chloe) is the child with that fiance while frey (courtlady) is the child with the royal. when the royal found out about chloe, he banished the grandma along with chloe. chloe eventually meets aria's mom while they were in hiding but because he had to further hide from the royal he left to the country ruled by the silver-haired man on the cover. his name is lahon and he's the king there. the country is also where his biological father lived in.
chloe's been looking for aria's mom for a long time. he doesn't know aria exists (didn't know she was pregnant). aria's mom believed he abandoned her after promising marriage. chloe eventually became the marquis of that country by taking after his father. he also reunites with aria and her mom after all the chaos in the story.
so ig you can say aria and asher are technically related since her stepaunt is royalty and is most likely a relative to asher.