
suspicious June 21, 2021 10:13 am

I literally don't care that the blondie is hitting on zhen. what I'm annoyed about is that zhen is too dumb to notice anything and that he believes everything that blondie is saying like, it's not that Blondie's fault that zhen is buying his obvious bullshit. Mr.Shen is getting on my nerves for still attending to these classes even though he could quit anytime, he knows that what the blondie is saying is dumb horseshit, so why paying money for that?! Throughout the last chapters I was so f****** pissed at zhen because of his so intense stupidity like, mr.Shen was obviously showing that he hates the Blondie and despite that he decided to accept the invitation of the Blondie even though mr.Shen just invited him for dinner. I mean, imagine you obviously show you hate someone and the person you invited for dinner, is accepting an invitation from the person you obviously hate, without even asking you... And then you get mad and don't want to eat with them anymore, which is totally understandable, and that person is telling you just how much better the other person is and that its good that you don't want to eat with them anymore. Like wtf I'd kill them

    MirrorImage June 22, 2021 7:51 pm

    Except it brings up the question if "why don't you like them? He's nice and everyone else likes him"

    And Daniel hasn't shown any red flags. Plus they aren't actually even dating nor are they even aware if they have feelings for each (well, Mr Shen does). So really, in a way, this is an even fight because Zhen is currently single (well not really lol)