WAIT I COMPLETELY FORGOT WHO THE PINK AND PURPLE HAIR BOYS ARE ANDNNANSNXN the pink hair one is the vice captain of the basketball team right with Xu Ze? And the purple hair boy is the one who recently joined the basketball team and his sister had a crush on pink but now they (the two boys) are the ones with romantic tension? Or am I thinking of completely different characters, if I am can someone tell me who they actually are?
WAIT I COMPLETELY FORGOT WHO THE PINK AND PURPLE HAIR BOYS ARE ANDNNANSNXN the pink hair one is the vice captain of the basketball team right with Xu Ze? And the purple hair boy is the one who recently joined the basketball team and his sister had a crush on pink but now they (the two boys) are the ones with romantic tension? Or am I thinking of completely different characters, if I am can someone tell me who they actually are?