"If you're sorry, do it with me" ~ Seriously? (#-.-) Isn't that like psychological/emo...

Mimiru July 30, 2016 8:49 pm

"If you're sorry, do it with me" ~ Seriously? (#-.-) Isn't that like psychological/emotional blackmail?

    candy4realz November 28, 2016 9:41 am

    He didn't shout any complaints, or cry because of it (at least not because he was forced). He also didn't say anything on how he can't refuse his childhood friend, because he caused his fear of the dark..

    scarypimpkinMG April 12, 2018 9:41 am

    Hahaha, yes. Yes, it totally is. Even if Atsushi were to like him or anything like that, that doesn't dismiss Kouichi's way of going about it at all. He's basically telling Atsushi that he should have sex with him out of guilt, not out of love. Even if there is love, he is definitely still trying to guilt-trip the guy in having sex with him.