Help me find this title!

♡princess ecchi♡ June 21, 2021 2:21 am

It wasn't a yaoi or anything BL

I read this manga a lot time but I can't remember it's name! It's a slice of life manga about a group of random young adults that live in a very old historical house that will be eventually get demolished. I remember there was a brief romance between two of the tenants and the house does get demolished despites their efforts. At the end they eventually have a reunion and watch a movie one of the old tenants produced about that old house.

    AdinaAnime1900 June 21, 2021 2:27 am

    I'd like to know the name if you or someone else finds it!

    ㄴㅋ June 21, 2021 3:55 am
    I'd like to know the name if you or someone else finds it! AdinaAnime1900

    Same here!