Tbh I will give the Alpha a chance and here are my reasons. First of all I know that he fu...

EveElena June 20, 2021 11:54 pm

Tbh I will give the Alpha a chance and here are my reasons. First of all I know that he fucked up big but he's trying his best now. I mean I wouldn't date someone who abandoned me when I needed him the most but for my child I will. My child has the right to meet his father and he is trying to be better so yeah. Of course I can't forgive him but I understand the omega. That was my only reason. Btw I didn't say I forgive or like the Alpha like he can choke but I'm understanding the situation you feel me.

    Erys June 21, 2021 12:17 am

    I agree because if the parents not trying the other parent the one that left came back and was still an asshole they can go screw themselves but I also think he got karma for what he did and this is his punishment and legitimately he’s been going through so much pain for seven years for the whole seven years And I think for some struggle in the relationship and then I’ll think about it again and probably I will because he is trying because in my opinion I also I’m not forgetting that they were both legitimately children when those events happen