
shana lina June 20, 2021 11:38 pm

What happened.. where another chapter...why you delete the chapter

    Meh June 20, 2021 11:45 pm

    the notice was up a few hours ago some people had a problem with the manhwa a the uploader asked if he/she should take it down

    gayga June 21, 2021 12:22 am

    I, the previous uploader asked the person who posted the chapters earlier to take them down. The work wasn't theirs and they didn't ask permission from Chimera scan to use it. I already put out a notice but when I woke up today, it was deleted and more chapters were uploaded. I'm very disappointed because it is simply not right. Chimera scans were also greatly affected by this and the chapters caused more misunderstanding. Please read my reply to previous comments to get a better understanding!

    sevi camero June 21, 2021 8:38 am
    I, the previous uploader asked the person who posted the chapters earlier to take them down. The work wasn't theirs and they didn't ask permission from Chimera scan to use it. I already put out a notice but whe... gayga

    oh so that's whyyy but i hope there will be some new chapters soon??